Gonna get “drone” interesting, the payload and weapon capability just got interesting also…

Dnepr Group of Forces develops Perun unique strike-transport drone

The newest UAV operates using Russian software. It is capable of quickly delivering heavy cargoes weighing up to 200 kg, performing reconnaissance actions, conducting search and rescue missions, including evacuating wounded military personnel, and dropping paratroopers into the rear of the enemy.

The development was first of all brought to the attention of the rear, which supplied soldiers with everything they need on the front line. At one time, the Perun UAV is capable of delivering the volume of food that previously required at least 13 FPV drone sorties.

The drone’s combat capabilities have already been tested at the training ground. Servicemen equipped the Perun UAV with an ATGM system with a guided missile and launched attacks from the ground and in the air. The missile is adjusted not on the machine itself, but by a remote control system.

In further tests, the Perun UAV will be equipped with a machine gun and an unguided air-to-surface missile system.

Department for Media Affairs and Information

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


Be afraid and very afraid if your country has finances with the Western Coalition, there is no trust anymore. Run and make it fast world…

The Western Coalition is in so much trouble due to collapsing that they have decided that all money is their money and they can steal it, well because, it is their money. It is all good says the West, we make the rules…

“There is no sense at all in which it’s theft … So there’s no legal issue here. And our allies, our partners, the G7 will provide Ukraine a $50 billion loan, which will be repaid over time from these proceeds,” Janet Yellen said in an interview with the ABC News broadcaster on Sunday.

Now China, Saudi Arabia and all Eastern countries, (plus all Western puppet countries) with too much money in the Western system, take heed and you are next. Not if, but next!

What a way to start the day and be proven right about the USA…

The USA is a low life scum country that will walk all over anyone for a buck. – kKEETON…

Desperation is vehement and reeking sumptuously from the Western Carcass…


Just info about BRICS Games…

The Russian team leads the overall medal tally at the BRICS Games in Kazan after the fourth day of competition. Russian athletes secured 33 gold medals on the fourth day of the BRICS Games held in Kazan.
In addition to their gold medals, Russian athletes also won 28 silver and 18 bronze medals on Sunday.


Started a few days ago…

The Opening Ceremony of the BRICS Sports Games…

Nice and SweetPea and I are looking forward to being able to see it in the future…