BRUSSELS, June 26 (Reuters) – Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called on Wednesday for the European Union to build a defence line along the bloc’s border with Russia and Belarus to protect the EU from military threats and other harmful activities from Moscow. Read: Because the scum that is coming right now from the […]
How come the ICC only seems to issue arrest warrants for those that the west don’t like?… and… Assange is out? ? and it will be interesting to see whether Washington, DC in the USA, will uphold and or even acknowledge after awhile, its part of the deal with Assange??? Let us watch how things […]
⚡️ 25 июня 2024 г. по инициативе американской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Министра обороны РФ Андрея Белоусова и министра обороны США Л. Остина. Министры обороны обменялись взглядами о ситуации вокруг Украины. А.Р.Белоусов указал на опасность дальнейшей эскалации обстановки в связи с продолжающимися поставками американских вооружений для ВСУ. Также были обсуждены другие вопросы. 🔹 Минобороны России […]
⚡️Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of Armed Forces of Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on violations of Chemical Weapons Convention by U.S. and Ukraine 📄Read full text 🔹 Russian Defence Ministry ⚡️The U.S. conceal data about infections fearing sanctions of the International Epizootic Bureau 💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and […] Yet another package of anti-Russian sanctions has been adopted. This already is the fourteenth one, and the total number of sanctions is nearing 20.000. There is nothing new, or scary in it, but each time it’s getting more and more delirious. So, for example, the EU Council has stated that Europe will go on […]
Having lived it myself. I don’t want it ever again… But, a bunch of idiotic morons all over the world are living a fantasy Hollywood, Bollywood and Deadwood ending to everything… Comment sections are infested… Alternate Media is infected… The O.K. Corral Gunfight is glittering in so many eyes, the Battle of the Bulge is […]
Cost with all x-rays, three sessions, three canals, shots for pain and all labor. Very thorough and a very good dentist… *** 11,900 Russian Ruble equals 135.23 United States Dollar Jun 25, 03:46 UTC *** Still have a crown to do and we have decided to do a Zirconium Crown, yet the cost of […]
#Мнение ✍️ Проректор Дипломатической академии МИД России О.Г.Карпович Поворот продолжается 💬 Визит Президента Владимира Путина в КНДР и Вьетнам на прошлой неделе вызвал паническую реакцию западных наблюдателей. В течение двух с половиной лет оппоненты России предпринимали все усилия, дабы изолировать её и заставить пойти на выставленные Москве ультимативные условия. При этом сама идея российского поворота […]
⚡️ About the summons to the Russian Foreign Ministry of the US Ambassador to Moscow L. Tracy During a conversation at the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 24 with the summoned head of the US diplomatic mission in Russia, L. Tracy, she made a demarche in connection with the new bloody crime of the Kiev […]
Comment sections are manipulated and with many of the alternate media sites they are only able to stay online because they allow AI, Spam, Bot, comment farms by gov and sick human planted comments as to their condition to stay online… If your favorite site has comments? Then you are in the middle of a […]