Russian Msta-S vs US Abrams

“Artillery crews from the Battlegroup Center used a Krasnopol smart munition to destroy another Abrams M1 tank in the Avdeyevka area during the special military operation,” the news reads…

2S19 Msta-S is a 152mm self-propelled howitzer…

Results: The Abrams does not have a chance…


Really? and they do live in a Fantasy-land World? Or do they?

There are somethings that show the state of the mental illness that has befallen the West and this below is a perfect example…

I thought carefully: to save Ukraine, the only way is to provide it with the atomic bomb. For as long as we’ve had it and we haven’t used it. Maintenance costs must cost the taxpayer a lot. We don’t even do nuclear tests in Polynesia anymore. Frankly, keeping this decisive weapon for ourselves and not using it is almost scandalous. When we think of all the countries that would need it, first and foremost of course Ukraine, we say to ourselves that History does not always go in the right direction. With nuclear weapons, the Russian-Ukrainian war would be over in a matter of days. A bomb on Moscow, another on St. Petersburg: that would give Mr. Putin pause.

J’ai bien réfléchi : pour sauver l’Ukraine, le seul moyen est de lui fournir la bombe atomique. Depuis le temps qu’on l’a et qu’on ne s’en sert pas. Les frais d’entretien doivent coûter bonbon au contribuable. On ne fait même plus d’essais nucléaires en Polynésie. Franchement, garder pour nous cette arme décisive et ne pas l’utiliser, c’est presque scandaleux. Quand on pense à tous les pays qui en auraient besoin, au premier rang desquels il y a bien sûr l’Ukraine, on se dit que l’Histoire ne marche pas tout le temps dans le bon sens. Avec l’arme nucléaire, la guerre russo-ukrainienne serait pliée en quelques jours. Une bombe sur Moscou, une autre sur Saint-Pétersbourg : ça ferait réfléchir M. Poutine.


Does the West have any sense left? Is this what is called freedom of press? This is a sick morbid person who lives in a sick morbid society…

Does this person think that Russia will not unleash hell itself upon France?

Maybe that is the desired outcome?

The West is simply bonkers and nothing is pointing to any lease to help keep the world safe. People in the West are just spouting anything that comes to mind, with no repercussions…

Exceptions: No Russian, China, Iran and North Korea “support” allowed anywhere in the West. Other than that, it is all good and we can blow up the world with our NUKES, because?, well we gottum and don’t use them and we should use them, you know?

~~ Frankly, keeping this decisive weapon for ourselves and not using it is almost scandalous. ~~

~~ scandalous ~~ I tell you ~~ scandalous ~~