Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov sends telegrams to formations deployed in special military operation zone…

The head of the Russian military department congratulated the command and personnel of the 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade for liberation of Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Since day one of the special military operation, the brigade performs tasks in the most difficult and responsible directions proving that it is rightfully named as the Guards and is one of the forward formations of the Vostok Group of Forces.

At the moment, the servicemen of the brigade perform combat task with resilience and selflessness, are advancing and pushing the enemy back in South Donetsk direction. As a result of professional and decisive actions, the enemy suffers significant losses and withdraws to the west.

For their courage and heroism demonstrated during combat missions, two servicemen of the brigade have been awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, and more than 1,025 servicemen have been presented with state and departmental awards.

Russian Defence Minister congratulated the personnel of the 40th Guards Marines Brigade for liberation of Urozhaynoye.

In the course of the special military operation, the servicemen of the brigade perform combat tasks in the most responsible directions. The servicemen demonstrate bravery and selflessness while liberation the Donetsk People’s Republic and Zaporozhye region from Neo-nazis.

‘Today, you are confidently advancing forwards, press the enemy in the mining area and liberate our land from the armed Ukrainian formations with determination and resilience,’ the Russian Defence Minister said in a telegram.

For their courage and heroism demonstrated during combat missions, three servicemen of the brigade have been awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, and more than 1,000 servicemen have been presented with state awards.

Russian Defence Minister thanked the servicemen for successfully performing combat tasks, loyalty to military duties and oaths, and expressed confidence that they would continue to honourably service Russia reliably ensuring security of the country.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


Medvedev on, “This is the right of war for the enemy!”

Мои товарищи обсуждают то, что сделали украинские изверги с нашим пленным, ссылаясь на известные всему миру Женевские конвенции. Меня тоже хорошо учили в родном университете.

Не надо об этом даже писать. Тут не может быть никакого милосердия. Здесь нет места добру. Только убей! Как у Симонова, на которого я много раз ссылался! Помните? Не надо жалеть их, не надо! Никого! Они хоть кого-то помиловали? Только тотальные казни. Нет выбора. Нет слов о пощаде. Нет гуманности. Нет помилования. Нет для них права на жизнь. Казнить, казнить и казнить. Это и есть право войны для врага!

Так убей же хоть одного!
Так убей же его скорей!
Сколько раз увидишь его,
Столько раз его и убей!


My comrades are discussing what the Ukrainian monsters did to our prisoner, referring to the Geneva Conventions, known to the whole world. I was also taught well at my native university.

You don’t even need to write about it. There can be no mercy here. There is no place for good here. Just kill! Like Simonov, to whom I have referred many times! Remember? No need to feel sorry for them, no need! Nobody! Have they pardoned anyone? Only total executions. No choice. There are no words about mercy. No humanity. No pardon. They have no right to life. Execute, execute and execute. This is the right of war for the enemy!

So kill at least one!
So kill him quickly!
How many times will you see him?
So many times and kill him!

Well at least I see a spark of a plan at doing something important for the world…

President Putin and EU chief Viktor Orbán, I believe if I am not illiterate and stupid, they just had a meeting. Orbán, days later, visited former President Trump at Mar-a-Lago. I said to myself upon hearing about that meeting, “That is interesting.” Those three men, in a room together, I think, would be able to discuss the realities and what they’ll need to be. For us to be moving ahead to keep the “dogs at bay”. Furthermore, there isn’t much left to prevaricate about, the lies have become existential. Now I question: Is Trump a reliable person? Better yet, “Is Trump the only hope that some sanity will prevail from within the USA?” Members of both USA political parties and Neo-Con demons will forever question Trump policies, just as in the past. I think Orbán is a reliable middleman. Which the West is extremely deficient in. – kKEETON

Going all to plan…