MoD of Russia Report for July 29th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on progress of special military operation (29 July 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to carry out a special military operation.

The Sever Group of Forces has engaged manpower and hardware of the 150th Mechanised Brigade, 71st Jaeger Brigade, 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 103rd and 127th territorial defence brigades of Pavlovka, Konstantinovka (Sumy region), Staritsa, Okhrimovka, Volchansk, and Tikhoye (Kharkov region).

Five counter-attacks launched by assault groups of the 42nd Mechanised, 57th Motorised Infantry, and 92nd Assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been repelled during the day.

The enemy’s losses amounted to more than 220 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, one Turkish-made Kirpi armoured fighting vehicle, three pick-up trucks, one German-made 155-mm Panzerhaubitzer 2000, one 152-mm Giatsint-B gun, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

In addition, an Anklav-N electronic warfare station, a U.S.-made AN/TPQ-36 counterbattery warfare station, and an ammunition depot were destroyed.

The Zapad Group of Forces has improved the situation along the front line, defeated formations of the 14th, 44th, 115th, 116th mechanised, 3rd assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 110th, 112th, 125th territorial defence brigades, and 12th Azov Special Brigade in the vicinity of Sinkovka, Petropavlovka, Berestovoye (Kharkov region), Nadiya, Makeyevka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Terny, Torskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Serebryansky forestry.

Three counter-attacks launched by the 66th and 67th mechanised brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The AFU losses included up to 480 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, one U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carrier, 14 motor vehicles, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, one UK-made 105-mm M119 and one UK-made 105-mm L-119 guns.

Moreover, four field ammunition depots were destroyed.

The Yug Group of Forces has taken more advantageous lines and positions. They have engaged manpower and hardware of the 23rd, 24th, 28th, 54th, 72nd mechanised, 59th motorised infantry, 79th air assault, 81st airmobile brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 117th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Verkhnekamenskoye, Bondarnoye, Chasov Yar, Katerinovka, Krasnogorovka, and Maksimilyanovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Two counter-attacks launched by the 5th Assault and 46th Airmobile brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were repelled by Russian troops.

The enemy’s losses amounted to up to 570 Ukrainian troops, three motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm Paladin self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, three 152-mm D-20 howitzers, three 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one UK-made 105-mm L-119 howitzer.

In addition, an Anklav-N electronic warfare station and five field ammunition depots were destroyed.

The Tsentr Group of Forces liberated Volchye (Donetsk People’s Republic) and improved the tactical situation.

Russian troops inflicted fire damage on the 31st, 32nd mechanised, 68th Jaeger, 1st Tank brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 109th and 241st territorial defence brigades have been hit near Druzhba, Toretsk, Novgorodskoye, Rozovka, Ivanovka, Novogrodovka, and Novosyolovka Pervaya (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Eight counter-attacks launched by the 47th, 53rd, 151st mechanised, 114th infantry, 95th Air Assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and Lyut Brigade of the National Police were repelled during the day.

The enemy losses amounted to up to 400 Ukrainian troops, one tank, three armoured fighting vehicles, to include one U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, five motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one 100-mm Rapira anti-tank gun.

The Vostok Group of Forces has improved the situation along the front line, inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the 72nd Mechanised, 58th Motorised Infantry brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 102nd, 123rd, and 128th Territorial Defence brigades near Vodyanoye, Prechistovka, Makarovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Gulyaipole (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy suffered losses of up to 130 Ukrainian troops, one tank, five motor vehicles, two UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzers, and one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer.

The Dnepr Group of Forces has engaged the 65th Mechanised, 141st Infantry, 128th Mountain Assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 35th Marine Brigade near Novodanilovka, Lobkovoye, Kamenskoye (Zaporozhye region), and Tyaginka (Kherson region).

The AFU losses amounted to up to 85 Ukrainian troops, one infantry fighting vehicle, five motor vehicles, two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one Anklav-N electronic warfare station, and two field ammunition depots.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have neutralised one Ukrainian Su-25 ground-attack aircraft, one ATCR-33S and one Skala-M air traffic control stations on the airfield; and hit clusters of enemy manpower and military hardware in 127 areas during the day.

Russian air defence systems shot down two French-made Hammer guided bombs, five U.S.-made HIMARS projectiles, and 68 unmanned aerial vehicles.

In total, 631 aircraft and 278 helicopters, 28,647 unmanned aerial vehicles, 556 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,714 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,392 MLRS combat vehicles, 12,535 field artillery guns and mortars, and 24,178 units of special military vehicles have been neutralised since the beginning of the special military operation.


Medvedev on, “Once again on the issue of the Olympics.”

They’ve really done it this time!

And the point is not that frog-eaters have so ineptly arranged the Games – to bravura exclamations “Vive la France!” by Macron who has bored everyone to death; and even not that a horde of freaks and drag queens sat at the table blasphemously mimicking The Last Supper.

The Olympic Games have died long before that. The foul corpse is now decomposing in a mud-brown, disgusting, smelly river.


Let me share with you some personal ideas of the Olympic Movement leadership first-hand, so to speak.

It’s all as usual, and very simple: a brazen and bursting from bribes enterprise of fat-faced officials who out of the blue have proclaimed themselves a world government. At least, in the sports, for sure.

I visited many receptions ex officio. The so-called partners are dancing there – those who pose themselves as masters, but who are in essence faceless grafters who belong in prison. And there are also numerous, pompous, haughty heads of international federations with glasses of expensive champagne in their hands and shine in their eyes.

And the point of this “sporty olympic” movement is endless partying, whispering, dough embezzlement, hints, alliances, and other criminal stuff.

But who are they? Who do these fat faces represent? Nobody, and no one! And the incident of trading someone’s urine and other excrements is the organisation’s real disgrace. In this WADA’s activity – or whatever this scum is called – there isn’t a grain of honesty and integrity.

It is just a sewage pit, a cloaca, where they are trying to drown the undesirable countries, like Russia.

And the point is not that we were put out of the door and proclaimed the world’s greatest evil. I’ve got no illusions: sports have become a big business. It looks like the time has come to raze the organization to the ground, and rebuild it anew, based on pure, transparent sport principles, as Pierre de Coubertin bequeathed.

But what we see is absolute disgrace. You cannot galvanise a corpse that has decomposed to the bones; and those who are doing this, are absolutely unfit for the role of beatificators. They should be drowned in the foul-smelling Seine as soon as possible, all that corrupt IOC along with France’s leadership who have presented the world with the celebration of sports so unforgettable. Vive CIO 2.0!



Root Canals and Crowns are done again and again…

In past a piece of one of these was left in tooth…

Root Canals have been cleaned to the bottom of each tooth again and actually even deeper this time. One dentist in the past had left a piece of what they call Root Canal Hand Drills. After a few x-rays and determining what needed to be done. A slight inflammation in one canal in right tooth and many trips to get everything done…

My new dentist has succeeded in making me pain free for the first time in a very long time. At least within my mouth. I am healing and getting better daily now. It has been many years since no massive aches and pains in my mouth due to even weather changes. That metal piece was a weather rod…

This gentleman who owns the clinic, did a good job… (

Gonna have two full Root Canals redone and two new crowns and simply slowly getting it all done, as I grump around. 😁

Oh well, going to have to have two tooth crowns fixed at the same time…

Root Canal work was just done in Russia at local dentist…

First time for me, Zirconium Crowns (porcelain on steel crowns suck) and actually they seem to be comfortable as compared to everything but Acrylic Caps. Close to Acrylic in feel. Acrylic is the best feel, yet the long term wear is poor and I know all about that…

Now I am healing and getting geared up to go back to the Tiny Russian Village. Maybe in another week or so?

Got lots to do and Sammy has work that I must do. We also are going to look at a garage to keep Sammy in during the winter within the Big Village. Maybe buy Sammy a home with a pit to allow me to do all the work on her? Will let you know…

Example is this in the Big Village…


Medvedev on Paris Olympics…

On the Paris Olympics I wouldn’t even comment: a disgusting sight. Macron-led France has degraded into a slut grimacing to ululations of a mad, ungodly crowd. What a disgrace!

And now remember and compare this to the 2014 Sochi Olympics, or the 2018 FIFA World Cup brilliantly carried out by our country. Turn off your TVs and stop following the disgraceful freak-show on the Internet!


Из ответов на вопросы агентства ТАСС:

Как Вы оцениваете церемонию открытия Олимпиады в Париже?

Про Олимпиаду в Париже даже не хочу ничего говорить – омерзительное зрелище. Франция под руководством Макрона деградировала до уровня продажной девки, кривляющейся под улюлюканье спятившей безбожной толпы. Такой позор!
А теперь вспомните и сравните с Олимпиадой в Сочи или чемпионатом мира по футболу, с блеском проведёнными в нашей стране. Отключайте телевизоры и не следите за позорным фрик-шоу в интернете!
