Medvedev on, “This is the right of war for the enemy!”

Мои товарищи обсуждают то, что сделали украинские изверги с нашим пленным, ссылаясь на известные всему миру Женевские конвенции. Меня тоже хорошо учили в родном университете.

Не надо об этом даже писать. Тут не может быть никакого милосердия. Здесь нет места добру. Только убей! Как у Симонова, на которого я много раз ссылался! Помните? Не надо жалеть их, не надо! Никого! Они хоть кого-то помиловали? Только тотальные казни. Нет выбора. Нет слов о пощаде. Нет гуманности. Нет помилования. Нет для них права на жизнь. Казнить, казнить и казнить. Это и есть право войны для врага!

Так убей же хоть одного!
Так убей же его скорей!
Сколько раз увидишь его,
Столько раз его и убей!


My comrades are discussing what the Ukrainian monsters did to our prisoner, referring to the Geneva Conventions, known to the whole world. I was also taught well at my native university.

You don’t even need to write about it. There can be no mercy here. There is no place for good here. Just kill! Like Simonov, to whom I have referred many times! Remember? No need to feel sorry for them, no need! Nobody! Have they pardoned anyone? Only total executions. No choice. There are no words about mercy. No humanity. No pardon. They have no right to life. Execute, execute and execute. This is the right of war for the enemy!

So kill at least one!
So kill him quickly!
How many times will you see him?
So many times and kill him!

Well at least I see a spark of a plan at doing something important for the world…

President Putin and EU chief Viktor Orbán, I believe if I am not illiterate and stupid, they just had a meeting. Orbán, days later, visited former President Trump at Mar-a-Lago. I said to myself upon hearing about that meeting, “That is interesting.” Those three men, in a room together, I think, would be able to discuss the realities and what they’ll need to be. For us to be moving ahead to keep the “dogs at bay”. Furthermore, there isn’t much left to prevaricate about, the lies have become existential. Now I question: Is Trump a reliable person? Better yet, “Is Trump the only hope that some sanity will prevail from within the USA?” Members of both USA political parties and Neo-Con demons will forever question Trump policies, just as in the past. I think Orbán is a reliable middleman. Which the West is extremely deficient in. – kKEETON

Going all to plan…


MoD of Russia Report for July 15th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (15 July 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

The units of the Sever Group of Forces have engaged manpower and hardware of the AFU 92nd Assault Brigade, the 82nd Air Assault Brigade, the 36th Marine Brigade, and the 13th Ukrainian National Guard Brigade close to Volchansk, Liptsy, Tikhoye, and Volchanskiye Khutora.

In addition, one attack launched by two assault groups of the AFU 71st Jaeger Brigade has been repelled.

The AFU losses were up to 200 Ukrainian troops, three tanks, two pick-up trucks, two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-64 counter-battery warfare station, and one Nota electronic warfare station.

The units of the Zapad Group of Forces have taken more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 43rd mechanised, 4th tank brigades of the AFU, and the 1st National Guard Brigade near Kovsharovka, Boguslavka (Kharkov region), Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic), Krasny Liman, and Serebryanka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Four counter-attacks by assault detachments of the AFU 3rd Assault Brigade and the 4th National Guard Brigade have been repelled.

The AFU losses were up to 585 Ukrainian troops, two infantry fighting vehicles, and seven motor vehicles.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, two Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery systems, one Swedish-made 155-mm Archer self-propelled artillery system, one UK-made 105-mm L-119 and one U.S.-made M119 howitzers, Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station have been eliminated.

Nine AFU field ammunition depots have also been destroyed.

The units of the Yug Group of Forces have improved the situation along the front line, defeated manpower and hardware of AFU 24th mechanised, 10th mountain assault brigades near Vyemka and Chasov Yar (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Three attacks launched by the AFU 5th Assault Brigade have been repelled.

The AFU losses were up to 540 Ukrainian troops, two HMMWV armoured fighting vehicles, and four motor vehicles.

In addition, during counter-battery warfare, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 self-propelled howitzer, U.S.-made Krab and U.S.-made Paladin self-propelled artillery systems, one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, three Msta-B howitzers, four 152-mm D-20 guns, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 122-mm D-30 gun, one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 gun, one BM-21 Grad MLRS combat vehicle, and two Anklav electronic warfare systems have been eliminated.

The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved the tactical situation and defeated 31st, 47th, 110th mechanised, 68th infantry, 95th air assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the 129th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Dimitrov, Vesyoloye, Vozdvizhenka, Katerinovka, Timofeyevka, Zhelannoye, and Dzerzhinsk (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In addition, Russian troops have repelled six counter-attacks by 41st, 151st mechanised, 95th air assault, 68th jaeger brigades, and the 425th Separate Assault Battalion of the AFU.

The AFU losses were more than 340 Ukrainian troops, three motor vehicles, one 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers.

The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have improved the situation along the front line. The servicemen also defeated manpower and hardware of 72nd mechanised, 58th motorised infantry brigades, 108th and 128th territorial defence brigades near Nikolskoye, Makarovka, (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Lugovskoye (Zaporozhye region).

The AFU losses were up to 125 Ukrainian troops, one U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carrier, two motor vehicles, two UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzers, and one 152-mm D-20 howitzer.

The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have engaged manpower and hardware of the AFU 35th Marine Brigade and the 124th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Tokarevka, Ivanovka, and Antonovka (Kherson region).

The AFU losses were up to 110 Ukrainian troops, six motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm Msta-B gun, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and two Anklav-N electronic warfare stations.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged AFU manpower and hardware in 109 areas.

Air defence facilities have shot down one MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, 36 unmanned aerial vehicles, and five U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles.

In total, 628 airplanes and 277 helicopters, 27,622 unmanned aerial vehicles, 551 air defence missile systems, 16,586 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,378 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 11,916 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 23,710 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Richard Grenell, a former Trump administration advisor, suggested establishing things like independent zones in Ukraine.

Ricky baby!

Where were you when the international community was debating the Minsk agreements, which were aimed at just this, and Russia was advocating for the creation of a federal structure for Ukraine in order to maintain its integrity?

When you were the US ambassador in Berlin, you blatantly meddled in Russia and Germany’s domestic affairs by urging the Germans to stop building the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

The Ukrainians now lack a nation and a secure future, while the Germans are without gas and the economy.

Ricky Baby?

Where were you all this time? Yes we know…

“Bada-boom, Bada-bing”


Why the Anglo-Saxons created a culture of lies * Warum die Angelsachsen eine Kultur der Lüge schufen

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Nachdem die Angelsachsen die Regler an ihrem Informationsmischpult bis zum Anschlag aufgezogen hatten, waren sie von sich überzeugt, dass sie bisher die Sieger in allen Weltkonflikten waren. Allerdings haben sie einen anderen Prozess nicht bemerkt: In den letzten hundert Jahren büßten sie rapide den früheren Respekt auf der Welt ein.

Having turned up the controls on their information mixer to the maximum, the Anglo-Saxons were convinced that they had been the victors in all world conflicts up to now. However, they failed to notice another process: over the last hundred years they have rapidly lost the respect they once enjoyed in the world.


If you read anything, read this link above…