This is trolling from the respected Ramzan Akhmatovich (Kadyrov), I laughed for half an hour…

We received a Tesla cybertruck from the respected Elon Musk. I was happy to test the new technology and personally saw that it is not by chance that it is called the “Cyberbeast”. A real invulnerable and fast animal. A maneuverable car, develops excellent speed and overcomes obstacles. A very comfortable car. Based on such excellent characteristics, the cybertruck will soon be sent to the SVO zone, where it will be in demand in the appropriate conditions. I am sure that this “beast” will bring a lot of benefit to our soldiers.

I express my sincere gratitude to Elon Musk! He is, of course, the strongest genius of our time and a specialist. A great man! Well, the cybertruck turned out to be a powerful project. Undoubtedly one of the best cars in the world! I literally fell in love with this car.

Elon, thank you! Come to Grozny, I will receive you as the most dear guest! I do not think that our Russian Foreign Ministry will be against such a trip. And, of course, we are waiting for your new developments that will contribute to the completion of the SVO.


Получили от уважаемого Илона Маска кибертрак “Тесла”. Я с удовольствием испытал новую технику и лично убедился, что не случайно его называют “Киберзверь”. Настоящее неуязвимое и быстрое животное. Маневренный автомобиль, развивает превосходную скорость и преодолевает преграды. Очень удобная машина. Исходя из таких отличных характеристик, кибертрак скоро будет отправлен в зону СВО, где будет восстребован в соответствующих условиях. Уверен, этот “зверь” принесет много пользы нашим бойцам.

Выражаю искреннюю благодарность Илону Маску! Это, конечно, сильнейший гений современности и специалист.  Великий человек! Ну а кибертрак получился мощным проектом. Несомненно один из самых лучших автомобилей в мире! Я в эту машину буквально влюбился.

Илон, спасибо! Приезжай в Грозный, приму тебя как самого дорогого гостя! Не думаю, что в нашем российском МИДе будут против такой поездки. И, конечно, ждем новых твоих разработок, которые будут способствовать завершению СВО.


I am not sure where he got it from, but he has the only heavy armed Cybertruck, I am sure. Not sure if batteries will do very good in the battlefield and might make a good campfire when they ignite…


NATO and it attempting a Kursk Nuclear Power Plant attack is a serious and a real issue…

Attention: I have watched this develope and now MoD of Russia has proclaimed it as true!

17.08.2024 (13:40)

Statement by Russian Defence Ministry

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation gives due serious consideration to evaluating information coming through independent channels about the Kiev regime’s preparations for an attack on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

The purpose of this provocation is to accuse the Russian Federation of ‘self-fire’ of the station in order to create grounds for attacks on Ukraine’s nuclear power facilities.
We regard such actions by the Kiev regime supported by Western countries as a direct violation of the International Convention adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution of 13 April 2005 ‘International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism’.

In case of the Kiev regime starts implementing criminal plans aimed at creating a man-made disaster in the European part of the continent with radioactive contamination of huge territories, stringent military and military-technical measures will be taken immediately.



Another source:

MoD of Russia Report for Kursk Invasion Status on August 16th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on repelling an invasion attempt of the AFU on the territory of the Russian Federation (16 August 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to repel the AFU attempt to invade the territory of the Russian Federation

Active actions of Sever Group of Forces’ units, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery strikes repelled an attack launched by assault detachments of the AFU 82nd Air Assault Brigade near Russkoye Porechnoye.

One attack launched by the enemy’s assault detachment supported by five armoured fighting vehicles through the State Border in the direction of Gorgeyevka was repelled.

Army Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery fire eliminated the enemy’s mobile groups attempting to get to the depth of the Russian territory 1 kilometre west of Anastasiyevka and 1.5 kilometres south east of Kauchuk.

Losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware clusters of the AFU 22nd, 61st mechanised brigades, 95th Air Assault Brigade, and 129th Territorial Defence Brigade near Aleksandriya, Snagost, Mirnoye, Kazachiya Loknya, Korenevo, Plekhovo, and Pushkarnoye.

Near Yunakovka and Miropolye, precision missile strikes wiped out three U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS launchers, two transport-loading vehicles, and two escort vehicles.

Operational-Tactical Aviation delivered strikes at the AFU reserves, ammunition and fuel depots near Yuriyevo, Khoten, Vorozhba, Ivolzhanka, Zhuravka, and Boyaro-Lezhachi (Sumy region).

Over the past 24 hours, the AFU losses have amounted to 220 Ukrainian troops and 19 units of armoured hardware, including four tanks, eight armoured personnel carriers, seven armoured fighting vehicles, seven motor vehicles, three HIMARS MLRS launchers, two transport-loading vehicles, and two field artillery guns.

Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses have amounted to up to 2,860 Ukrainian troops, 41 tanks, 40 armoured personnel carriers, 23 infantry fighting vehicles, 213 armoured fighting vehicles, 102 motor vehicles, four SAM systems, six MLRS launchers, including three HIMARS MLRS, two transport-loading vehicles, 22 field artillery guns, and three electronic warfare stations.

The operation to neutralise the AFU units is in progress.



MoD of Russia Reports for August 10th thru August 16th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (10-16 August 2024)

From 10 to 16 August 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered 17 group strikes by precision weaponry and attack unmanned aerial vehicles at Ukrainian military industry enterprises, airfield infrastructure as well as storages and workshops of attack UAVs.

Moreover, strikes were delivered at POL bases, AFU reserves concentration areas, temporary deployment areas of nationalist formations and foreign mercenaries.

Units of the Sever Group of Forces continue to repel attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to invade the territory of the Russian Federation in Kursk direction.

Army Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery strikes inflicted fire damage at the located enemy manpower and hardware clusters of two AFU mechanised brigades, one assault brigade, and one national guard brigade. The enemy’s attempts to deploy reserves were thwarted.

In Volchansk and Liptsy directions, losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware of two AFU mechanised brigades, two assault brigades, one marine brigade, and two territorial defence brigades. Four counter-attacks of AFU assault detachments were repelled.

Over the past week, the AFU losses in the areas of the Sever Group of Forces responsibility amounted to 2,765 Ukrainian troops, 33 tanks, 221 armoured fighting vehicles, including 13 U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and eight U.S.-made Stryker armoured personnel carriers as well as 117 motor vehicles.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, seven MLRS launchers and 34 field artillery guns were destroyed. Three U.S.-made Patriot SAM systems and one Buk-M1 SAM system as well as four electronic warfare stations were destroyed.

Over the past week, units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and positions as well as inflicted losses on formations of five AFU mechanised brigades, one airmobile brigade, one assault brigade, and two territorial defence brigades. 12 counter-attacks launched by AFU units were repelled.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 3,450 Ukrainian troops, six tanks, 18 armoured fighting vehicles, including nine U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carriers, and 34 motor vehicles.

Moreover, in the course of counter-battery warfare, 36 field artillery guns, including 15 U.S.-made, German-made, and Polish-made 155-mm howitzers and self-propelled artillery systems were destroyed. Four electronic and counter-battery warfare stations as well as 23 field artillery guns were destroyed.

Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of four AFU mechanised brigades, one motorised infantry brigade, three assault brigades, two airmobile brigades, and one territorial defence brigade. Four counter-attacks launched by the enemy’s assault detachments were repelled.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 3,825 Ukrainian troops, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 29 motor vehicles, and 50 field artillery guns. Three AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.

As a result of active actions, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces liberated Lisnichnoye, Ivanovka, and Sergeyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Losses were inflicted on formations of four AFU mechanised brigades, one infantry brigade, two assault brigades, and one territorial defence brigade. Twenty counter-attacks launched by AFU units were repelled.

Over the week in this direction, the AFU losses amounted to up to 3,195 Ukrainian troops, four tanks, including two U.S.-made M1A1 Abrams tanks, 15 armoured fighting vehicles, 23 motor vehicles, and 29 field artillery guns.

Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of two AFU mechanised brigades, one motorised infantry brigade, and two territorial defence brigades. Eight counter-attacks launched by AFU assault detachments were repelled.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 770 Ukrainian troops, 34 motor vehicles, and 19 field artillery guns. Eight AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.

Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on formations of one AFU mechanised brigade, one infantry brigade, one mountain assault brigade, one marine brigade, and one territorial defence brigade.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 555 Ukrainian troops, two infantry fighting vehicles, 48 motor vehicles, 14 field artillery guns, including six U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers. Three electronic warfare stations and eight ammunition depots were destroyed.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces destroyed one Su-27 fighter jet of the Ukrainian Air Force at the base airfield as well as three U.S.-made HIMARS launchers.

Tonight, air defence units repelled a group strike by 12 U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles launched at the Crimean Bridge. All missiles were destroyed.

Over the past week, one Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force, eight Tochka-U tactical missiles, 11 French-made Hammer guided aerial bombs, one U.S.-made JDAM guided aerial bomb, four U.S.-made HIMARS and one BUK SAM systems missiles, 70 U.S.-made HIMARS and Czech-made Vampire MLRS projectiles, and 543 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

Units of the Black Sea Fleet and Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed three uncrewed surface vehicles and damaged one uncrewed surface vehicle of the Ukrainian Navy.

Over the past week, 57 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered on the line of contact.

In total, 638 airplanes and 279 helicopters, 30,050 unmanned aerial vehicles, 569 air defence missile systems, 17,307 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,406 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 13,295 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 24,833 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.



Hey Mister FBI, caught any witches lately?

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – An FBI spokesperson told Sputnik on Friday that the raid at the home of the prominent Russian-American journalist Dimitri Simes was court authorized but provided no further details of its investigation.

Hmm… and…

The USA has always done a “witch hunt” as par for the course…

and Scott… (We also witch hunted Scott Ritter)

So Scott Ritter and FBI…