A very simple understanding came to me while I worked around The Tiny Russian Village…

Any country that makes its living by selling houses, burgers and coffee to one another is not a serious country. – kKEETON…


So I have been fixing Sammy the Volga…

Best I can do. Rebuilt wheel well arch and repainted it…

and, how about some pictures?

Hmm, kinda the road got blocked and a fake brick wall.

Big apple crop this year.

Sveta with yummy apples.

New sign at monastery.

Sweetpea went to Moscow and loved her trip back. Treats and Tea…


My My, how corrupted Alternate Media has become in the West?

I have watched for years now and literally all media within the West is very corrupted, if not extremely corrupted. In one form or another. Some spout hate about one subject and then they embrace another subject as if it is their first born child. Alternative Media has joined the love hate fest…

It is amazing to see how media can hate one country and love another. Like: We hate China, but love Russia. We hate Russia, but love China. Hate Iran and love Russia. Hate Iran and love north Korea. Hate Israel, love Palestine. VICE VERSA VICE VERSA VICE VERSA VICE VERSA and on and on and on. Everyone has a hate and a love that they must post about…

Then, lately these hate and loves have become mandatory to keep sites online. Just like Telegram has been subjected to a hit squad and so many trumped up charges are leveled at Durov. True or not does not matter, except I did immediately connect Switzerland as a patsy country like Sweden, with charges against Assange and now charges against Durov…

Julian Assange + Sweden = No Charges



The press is on full Durov guilty, trial by media. Thus the fear is instilled in those whom do not do as they are told. Now in Durov’s case, he sold to the West and now they have reminded him of who is his daddy…

So back to alternate media… There are very few sites worth listening to. If these sites that use to give truth do not toe the line they get in trouble and many with truth are in fear. Rightly so and it is a terrible thing. Fear of the USA GOV…

It is getting hard to find media that is not sold out…

How corrupted Alternate Media has become in the West?

Very Corrupted, just like its papa Main Stream Media…

Corruption is corruption and you either sell out or you stay quiet. But if you sell? You are guilty of corruption, be it your own personal ideas and or their ideas. If you post, print, tell what you don’t feel and believe, you are sold out. Main Stream News has been sold a very long time. Now the alternate are falling into place and the ones that don’t? Will be crushed…

You should remember that WtR has been through it all…

Now you know that our site (WtR) was an attack test ground…