Medvedev on Durov, Mr. Telegram…

Once, quite a while ago, I asked Durov why he wouldn’t co-operate with law enforcement when it comes to major crime. ‘This is my principled position,’ he said. ‘Then you’ll have serious problems in any country’ I told him.

He believed it was Russia that had the biggest problems in, so he left, and later obtained citizenship / residence permits in other countries. He wanted to be a genius ’person of the world’ who can live perfectly well without his Motherland. Ubi bene ibi patria!

He miscalculated. To all our common enemies, he is Russian — and therefore unpredictable and dangerous. Someone of different blood. Certainly not like Musk or Zuckerberg (who, by the way, actively works with the FBI). Durov ought to finally realize that your Motherland, just like the times you live in, is not a matter of choice.


Tidbit about upcoming USA president election…

Can’t say who will win. Neither or either one running is worth a hill of beans, but it is what it is and none worth a vote…

But I can say that the winner is who “cheats” the most. As in who stuffs the most ballot boxes with faker votes. Be it a machine or actual paper ballot. Gonna be a bunch of stuffing this election… (Could we see more votes than voters?)

Election in a democracy is actually a serious part of civilian rights to have the leader they desire, whereas a pageant is a circus, all pomp and show…

The USA is a pageant and a circus all in one. Many rings all full of actors, fat ladies, elephants, lions, tigers, clowns, acrobats and even several ringleaders…

But as far as a real election? Not gonna happen, maybe it has never happened in America?

Makes a great show for the brain-dead, but it makes for terrible leaders of our country…


So this is a terrorist in the USA? (Tulsi Gabbard)

Tulsi Gabbard

Shame that the badge of honor in the USA is to be called a terrorist, by the number one terrorist country in the world. USA = Terrorist. They are very scared of Tulsi Gabbard and her truths…

“WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer sent a letter on Friday to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) chief David Pekoske regarding whistleblower allegations that the agency placed former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on a terror watchlist.”—letter-1119889581.html

Amazing and the witch hunt goes on…

See McCarthyism and it is back. A Russian hiding under every bed and in every closet…

Gonna get real bad on the home front USA…


My how far we have fallen and yet have we Americans ever had the highroad to begin with? No…

Medvedev on banning Orthodox Church, “The country shall (will) be destroyed, like Sodom and Gomorrah”…

Soviet-era atheism pales in comparison with the foul stench of the rotting Ukrainian regime. The Soviet Union may have been an atheist country, but it didn’t outlaw religions or specific religious doctrines.

The neo-Nazi dogs, however, have the gall to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

It was poroshenko, as we all know, who started this horrendous story. When it suited his ambitions and the urge to be elected as the president of Ukraine, he negotiated with the West a schism in Russian Orthodoxy and the establishment of the heretical Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Some of the “priests” of this so-called “church” have quite a reputation and have no business being at the pulpit. They were successful pimps who protected political prostitutes in Kiev. The idea, understandably, fell through as poroshenko lost and the project stalled. The Ukrainians didn’t leave the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

It didn’t stop there. The country’s new leader was a scumbag with a drug problem and no religious identity, known for playing the piano with his naughty bits. That’s when the destruction of Ukrainian Orthodoxy and the persecution of Christians for their faith began in earnest, culminating in the decision passed by the Verkhovna Rada on August 20, 2024.

Make no mistake. We’re not talking about the actions of individual heretics and their followers like in the times of Arius, Apollinaris of Laodicea or bishop Macedonius of Constantinople. This is fully-fledged satanism, worshipped by the cocaine scumbag and his ghouls that gets enthusiastic support from the “civilised West” for the purpose of inflicting grave damage on Russia and its citizens. 

Former Ukraine won’t get away with this. The country shall be destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah once were, and the payback awaits them not in the distant future in the afterlife. Quite on the contrary, the punishment will be earthly, cruel, painful and swift. For it says in the Bible: “And afterward Joshua smote them and slew them, and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening” (Joshua 10:26).

And former Ukrainian lands shall once again behold the shining light of the True Orthodox Church in its former glory.


Смрадно гниющий украинский режим решил переплюнуть атеизм советского периода. Союз ССР хоть и был атеистической страной, но не запрещал религии и отдельные вероучения.

Неонацистские псы решились полностью запретить Украинскую Православную Церковь Московского Патриархата.

Эту мерзкую историю начал, как известно, ещё порошенко. В угоду собственным амбициям и для избрания президентом Украины он согласовал с Западом раскол в православии и создание еретической ПЦУ. Отдельные «иерархи» этой, с позволения сказать, «церкви» хорошо известны. Их место отнюдь не на амвоне. Они были вполне успешными сутенёрами, опекавшими киевских политических проституток. Понятно, что из затеи ничего не получилось: порох с треском проиграл, а проект забуксовал. Украинцы из УПЦ МП не ушли.

Дальше – больше. Страну возглавила наркозависимая тварь без религиозной идентификации, известная игрой своим срамным удом на фортепьянах . И вот тут-то и начался разгром украинского православия и преследование христиан за веру, логическим результатом которого стало решение Рады от 20.08.24.

Причём это уже не деятельность отдельных еретиков и их последователей, как во времена Ария, Аполлинария Лаодикийского или константинопольского епископа Македония. Это полноценный сатанизм, который исповедуют кокаиновая тварь и его вурдалаки. И который активно поддерживает «цивилизованный Запад» в целях нанесения максимального ущерба России и её гражданам.

Эта история не пройдёт даром б. Украине. Страна будет разрушена, как Содом и Гоморра, а демоны неизбежно падут. Причём расплата накроет их не в далёком будущем – после перехода в мир иной. Напротив, наказание будет земным, жестоким, мучительным и свершится скоро. Ибо сказано: «Потом поразил их Иисус и убил их и повесил их на пяти деревах; и висели они на деревах до вечера» (Нав. 10:26).

А Истинная православная Церковь в бывших украинских землях воссияет в прежнем величии.