USA Mercenary Stephen Hubbard decided to play the fool at over 70 years old and he really was a fool and was played by Ukraine as a fool…

The Moscow City Court has begun hearing the case against 72-year-old American Stefan Hubbard, who is accused of participating in the conflict on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports. Hubbard moved to Ukraine in 2014 and lived with a woman who later left him. He was brought to court by military police. The American faces up to 15 years in prison under the article on mercenarism.


American Stephen Hubbard, who is being tried in Moscow for participating in the armed conflict on the side of Ukraine, was paid a thousand dollars a month, the prosecutor said in court.

Hubbard signed a contract with the territorial defense battalion of the city of Izyum in February 2022, underwent training, and was provided with weapons and uniforms. In April 2022, the American was detained by a Russian soldier.


American pensioner Hubbard admitted in court that he fought on the side of Ukraine against Russia for money, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.


Link below for Western Whatevers…

Capitulation – an agreement or set of conditions. Never Ever, says Russia…

A manual for troops and civilians of the Russian Federation during the SVO by I. Skurlatov. Anyone who offers us capitulation in the SVO is an enemy of the President, Russia and the people…


A manual for the troops and the civilian population of the Russian Federation during the SVO from I. Skurlatov.

Russian Russians are killing Russians” on their own, “there is a civil war.” The false message of the left-liberal party and the CIPSO. Russian Russians are actually killing animals from the ukro-Neobanderian junta, supported by neo-fascists from 60 countries from the “New Entente” led by the United States and NATO, who are trying to destroy Russians in Little Russia, in our native Russian Kiev, by unleashing a hybrid (so far) Third World War against Russia (it is also the fourth Domestic). Russians are saving Greater Russia, the ancestral habitat of our ethnic group. All friendly nationalities of the Russian Federation (Chechens, Bashkirs, Tatars, Tuvans, Yakuts and so on, including foreigners) help us in this. The vast majority of “Ukrainians” These are our Russians who are praying that we will free them from the junta.

2. ”We must hold referendums in Ukraine on the consent of some “Ukrainians” to be Russia.” Nonsense. Ask the Germans why they did not hold a vote on the unification of Germany and the GDR? Russia is pursuing (should pursue) a policy of irredentism, that is, reunification by force and criminally, contrary to the decisions of the March 1991 Referendum on the preservation of the USSR, to the divided peoples of Greater Russia, who for a millennium rallied into a single state.

3. ”Ukrainians and Russians are different peoples.” Lie. We’re even genetically the same! GENETICALLY! Russian Russian language and Orthodoxy, a common history and culture, in addition to Kiev, the father of Russian cities and the Lavra, the place where Prince Vladimir baptized Russia. In some regions of Ukraine there is a local “mova”, as it is in Belarus, the Urals, the Far East, Vologda and Krasnodar, but in general, Russian is our common native language. We have one story and one fate, temporarily broken by the “fifth column” of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1991.

4. ”Russians are fighting for Putin.” No. We are fighting for the existence of Russia under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief, for the preservation of our ancestral territories, because in case of defeat in Ukraine, the Russian Federation will be turned into.

5. We do not want and have never wanted a war. It’s just that the neo-Bandera Ukrainians (but not the simple “Ukrainian people”), fooled by the zombie propaganda of the pro-Western ukro-junta, were already ready to be the first to attack Russia in February 2022 according to the already prepared secret decree of Zelensky, agreed in the United States and the CIA together with European structures.

6. ITS conducted only through the fault of the enemy. “They” started the war. “We” are forced to defend ourselves.

7. Zelensky is a real devil and a psychopath, a drug addict and an unambiguous Satanist. Evidence of this is the daily demonic dances in temples seized by the junta by armed means, including the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and other well-known facts.

8. We are fighting for a just cause, waging a “holy war” against Satanic inhumans.

9. The enemy purposefully commits atrocities, we — only by accident. It is necessary to disseminate information about the atrocities committed by the enemy as quickly as possible, explaining that such actions are peculiar to him. To distribute more photos and videos of our fighters with cats and children.

10. The enemy uses prohibited weapons, kills peaceful women, children, and prisoners, if not destroyed immediately, are often mutilated by cutting off limbs, castrating, cutting out eyes, etc. We are for humane military action, the frenzied Satanists of the ukro–junta are not.

11. Our losses are insignificant, the enemy’s losses are huge.

12. Representatives of culture, science, art and intellectuals, the majority of the world’s population support our cause. Only the Anglo-Saxons and their vassals, besotted with zombie propaganda, do not support.

13. Anyone who doubts our propaganda and does not recognize our rightness is a traitor or an enemy.

Putin addressed Russians in honor of the day of reunification of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions with Russia…

The main points from the President’s address on the day of reunification of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions with Russia:

◾️Russia went through difficult trials to the day of reunification with new regions;

◾️The development of events in Donbass after 2014 fully confirmed the necessity and validity of the SVO, its liberation character;

◾️Western elites turned Ukraine into their colony, into a military bridgehead aimed at Russia;

◾️Residents of Novorossiya spoke out against the coup d’etat in Kyiv, fought back the neo-Nazi dictatorship, which wanted to tear them away from Russia forever;

◾️Today, Russians are together defending a safe and prosperous future for their children and grandchildren;

◾️The West was preparing the Ukrainian army for a new war, in order to again, like in 2014, carry out a punitive action in the South-East, with Crimea among the targets;

◾️The truth is on Russia’s side, all the intended goals will be achieved.


📺 Видеообращение Президента России В.В.Путина по случаю Дня воссоединения ДНР, ЛНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областей с Россией (30 сентября 2024 года)

💬 В.В.Путин: Дорогие друзья! Уважаемые граждане России!

Сегодня, 30 сентября, мы отмечаем День воссоединения с Россией Донецкой и Луганской народных республик, Запорожской и Херсонской областей.

Сердечно поздравляю всех граждан нашей страны с этим поистине судьбоносным событием. Мы шли к нему через годы и непростые испытания, знали, в каких невыносимых условиях постоянных обстрелов, блокады долгих восемь лет жил Донбасс, каким притеснениям подвергались жители Новороссии.

☝️ Они выступили против вооружённого государственного переворота в Киеве, дали отпор неонацистской диктатуре, которая хотела навсегда оторвать их от исторической Родины, от России.

Мы не бросили своих братьев и сестёр, пытались достичь мирного разрешения тяжелейшего конфликта. Вы знаете, чем закончились эти переговоры: ложью, подлогом и обманом со стороны западных элит, которые за это время превратили Украину в свою колонию, в военный плацдарм, нацеленный на Россию.

❗️Они планомерно насаждали ненависть и радикальный национализм, разжигали вражду ко всему русскому, поставляли оружие, направляли наёмников и советников, готовили украинскую армию к новой войне, чтобы опять, как весной и летом 2014 года, устроить карательную акцию на Юго-Востоке.

В качестве целей были намечены не только Донбасс, но и Крым, и другие российские регионы. Дальнейшее развитие событий полностью подтвердило необходимость и обоснованность специальной военной операции, её поистине освободительный характер.

Хочу обратиться сейчас к жителям Донецкой Народной Республики, Луганской Народной Республики, Запорожской и Херсонской областей.

Спасибо вам за стойкость, решительность и твёрдость, за то, что вы передаёте из поколения в поколение наши духовные ценности, историческую память, традиции и культуру и, прежде всего, великую любовь к Отечеству, которая является для всех нас главной опорой в жизни.

Сегодня все вместе мы отстаиваем безопасное, благополучное будущее для наших детей и внуков, нашу общую судьбу, память о достижениях и победах великих предков, верность их традициям и заветам.

Эти чувства дают силы участникам специальной военной операции. Сражаясь сейчас в Донбассе и в Новороссии, отстаивая курские, белгородские, брянские рубежи, они защищают всю огромную, прекрасную, любимую нами Россию. Мы гордимся нашими героями, делаем всё, чтобы поддержать их.

На освобождённых территориях активно восстанавливаются предприятия, строятся жилые дома, больницы, школы, детские сады. В эту работу включены все российские регионы. Многое делают представители и крупного, и малого бизнеса. Огромный вклад вносят волонтёры, общественные и религиозные организации, парламентские партии.

🤝 Благодарю всех граждан страны за эту сплочённость и патриотический настрой. Правда на нашей стороне. Все намеченные цели будут достигнуты.

С праздником, дорогие друзья! С Днём воссоединения!

Drones and China, unbelievable and fantastic…

📹 China sets two world records with spectacular display of over 10,000 drones.

A breathtaking drone show featuring 10,197 drones took place in Shenzhen Bay Park on Thursday night, breaking two Guinness World Records and kicking off a series of performances in celebration of the country’s National Day.

The show reportedly set records for “the most drones simultaneously airborne under the control of a single computer” and “the most drones forming an aerial image.”

👉 Check out footage of the show that has just started to pop up online and has already gone viral.

📌Subscribe to @SputnikInt


Now that is a warning shot across the Western bow…

10,000 drones under one AI. Soon to be 100,000 drones…