The meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers with the participation of UN member states in New York on September 25, on the sidelines of the 79th session of the General Assembly of the World Organization, approved an agreed final document – “Call to Action on Global Governance Reform”… PDF: Call_to_Action_on_Global_Governance_Reform_25_9_2024_final_version You should download and read… […]
Событие, которого ждали Президент России обозначил подходы к новой редакции Основ госполитики в области ядерного сдерживания. Главные изменения следующие. 1. Агрессия против России со стороны государства, не обладающего ядерным оружием, но при поддержке или с участием страны с ядерным вооружением будет рассматриваться как совместное нападение. Всем понятно, о каких странах идёт речь. 2. Равноценная ядерная […]
24.09.14-wsj-what-scared-fords-ceo-in-china-wsj-1 Good read and a true read… Scared and starting to panic… WtR
Looks like of the churches in the Bible, of which one is actually Catholic, is not the only fallen church and now seriously we are facing a real crises that humanity has embraced our King Satan, the Prince of Lies, as god… And we all know the outcome of worshipping a god before God. Even […]
Taiwan is a US project, so it stands to reason that Israel, which is a UK and USA project, inserted itself into the equation with a connection involving Taiwan. As most tech and other platforms are under US control it’s imperative to now block and swap these compromised systems with helpful and whole world growth […]
❗️The State Duma has adopted in the first reading a bill banning the adoption of children from Russia by citizens of countries where gender reassignment is permitted… WtR
⚡️ Statement by the delegation of the Russian Federation on item 18 of the agenda of the 68th session of the IAEA General Conference “Implementation of the Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the NPT” 💬 Dear Mr. Chairman, Let me […]
The Kalashnikov Concern presented the Alpha-E unmanned helicopter with a cargo case, which can stay in the air for up to an hour and 45 minutes and carry loads weighing up to 7 kg… WtR
On the ban on the ideology of childlessness and the “childfree” movement We have begun to consider a bill that prohibits the propaganda of conscious refusal to have children. We are talking about preventing the dissemination of information that popularizes childlessness. In thematic publics and communities on social networks, there is often disrespect for […]