…and this is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built! Oh my! WtR
Not gonna rehask and or post as info. You have lots of opportunity to see this interview and since Tucker is big time, you can see it if you desire… Nothing new was said, unless you live in the West… WtR Have a link if you want to know more… https://sputnikglobe.com/20241205/watch-full-video-of-sergey-lavrovs-interview-with-american-journalist-tucker-carlson-1121102130.html
Just have been watching the Empire of Lies and Chaos (Should add, woke and stupid.) Great soap opera and we should keep a watch over our shoulder. The Empire hates us all and I mean all of us… *** I have been working on streamlining Windows 11 and have finally conquered the demon. It was […]
The 15th VTB Russia Calling! Investment Forum is being held in Moscow on December 4–5, 2024. Its main theme is The Future of Capital and the Capital of the Future. http://www.en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/75751 Russia Calling! Investment Forum • President of Russia – PDF WtR *Put Video Here When Done* http://www.en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/75751/videos Link to file. File too big and […]
Shall we watch? I am and Turkey has played the wrong hand for a future in the real world. Got to admit though, the USA is running scared and going all out. Pulling all strings and I do believe that the US is so messed up it will use nukes when it gets cornered… It […]
“All Meetinged Out” (Not-Mayakovsky, prose on current events) Yoon Suk Yeol must go. He declared martial law, which parliament overturned and then demanded his resignation. A traitor. Backed by the U.S. – future uncertain. French President Macron has failed to manage the government crisis and must go. A weakling. Backed by the U.S. – future […]
🔔 В целях создания государственного информационного ресурса «Цифровой профиль иностранного гражданина» с 1 декабря этого года запущен эксперимент по апробации правил и условий въезда в Россию и выезда из России иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства. Соответствующее постановление было принято Правительством 7 ноября. О том, как будет проходить эксперимент и какие категории иностранцев он затронет […]
Talk about a wild year coming… Western Mindset as they collapse: Everything that is true will be not true, everything bad will be good and even if we said one thing yesterday, what we said today is the truth, until tomorrow. “Then we will tell another truth!” I mean everything, not just some things… Get […]
Whole lot of coverup going on, going on… WtR
https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/full-text-south-koreas-martial-law-decree-2024-12-03/ Talk about leaving itself wide open to being annexed by the North. Next door neighbor whom is technically still at war with you neighbor… “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take […]