I did not think they (West) could get even more, out in left field mentally, but I was and am wrong…
The West has gone totally off it’s gourd and is slipping down the rabbit hole face first… My Goodness, the imbeciles in the West truly want to be reverted back in style to the Stone Ages, if any could even survive what they are trying to do and play the “You Reap What You Sow” […]
Smithsonian Institution, has these images and many more. Interesting how this holiday is depicted… https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/what-food-was-served-at-the-first-thanksgiving-in-1621-511554/ *** Now I gotta get back to cooking. Svetochka just dreams of Pumpkin Pie and she gets it only twice a year. With whipped cream on top and warm to the touch, but not too hot of a slice… Turkey, […]
That really is a sad profound realization of a thought and it means that the USA would use Nukes and not care about it’s own people… Hmm, think about that… WtR
You cannot beat a dead horse to make it move as it did when alive. You cannot make oil flow as it did when you first discovered it. You cannot plant the same crop every year in the same field. If you do not plant, nothing grows to replace… Takes time to recover when thou […]
Looks very much like the West wants a Nuclear War and is wanting it badly… WtR Medvedev on that it looks like the West does want a Nuclear War…
(English below) Американские политики и журналисты всерьёз обсуждают последствия передачи Киеву ядерного оружия. Похоже, моя печальная шутка про безумного маразматика Байдена, решившего красиво уйти из жизни, забрав с собой значительную часть человечества, превращается в пугающую реальность. Передать ядерное оружие стране, которая воюет с крупнейшей ядерной державой? Сама мысль настолько абсурдна, что вызывает подозрение о наличии […]
“On behalf of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, we are pleased to welcome you, the esteemed representative of Russia [Security Council chief Sergei Shoigu]. We hope that this meeting will further strengthen our relations. We are grateful to Russia for supporting the Islamic Emirate in the international arena,” Taliban* interim government deputy prime minister for […]
What we see today in America (and its Western-bred dogs) is as old as the human race. We see the standard patterns of a dying empire: the decline of justice and the decline of human compassion, matched by the increase in wars and murders necessary to expand the territory of markets and resources to sustain […]
“MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. The United States needs Ukraine’s rare-earth metals, including lithium, and intends to take them as payment for military assistance, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a meeting with participants in the academic and educational program of the A. M. Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Support Fund “Dialogue for the Future.” “It is […]