What drives a human(s) to self-destruct?

Does power, lust, greed, and love of Satan mean that much to some humans?

Side Note: It was not just humans that have fallen for a twist within their psychic. The Watchers (200 special angels) from Heaven intentionally grabbed a bunch of human women and populated our Earth with giants that consumed all and thus God had to intervene. Never heard about that did you? Well if you ask Raphael, Michal and Gabriel, they might enlighten you upon what happened with the Watchers. I plan on doing just that when I have to leave this planet and get my book of life opened and read. – kKEETON

Again: Does power, lust, greed, and love of Satan mean that much to some humans?

Looks like it and it looks as if we have allowed these scum of our planet to weasel their way into positions that have put us in danger of extinction. What is interesting is to contemplate and realize whom is among these worms that have undermined our lives. They really want war, they really think they deserve war, they will do anything to keep from paying the price of their actions, they have holes in the ground in which to hide and they all consider money, material items and personal power to be the cat’s meow…

Yet, knowing how scared, how self-preserving and how lack of ability to withstand pain humans have. I ask time and time again, who is driving the Apple Cart as it careens off the cliff. Whoever it is, does not act very human and does not care about humans. It could be said that whom it is? Hates us humans…


The realization that the USA through the EU and the UK as its (EU) head of the hydra so to think. Wants a war so bad that they can taste it and they have been working at this for so long that they do not even understand that this is wrong in all ways. It is a governmental policy and both in the EU and the USA it is destroy Russia and then destroy China and nothing else matters, even if we all die in the process. Their biggest fear is not destroying the world, but keeping their ass out of the tar and feather, firing squad, guillotines and hanging trees. As to any care about us humans? Only their own self matters in anything and all things. This is really a very scary issue and we ignore this issue at our existence ending…

Side Note: Fighting Russia with NATO is not nonsense. They (West) are forcing just such a diegesis to take place. They continuously non-stop escalate in an attempt to persuade Russia to attack any NATO facilities in order to mobilize their people for war and amass armies numbering in the millions by forcing conscription of the masses. NATO missiles authorized to strike within Russia were the most recent development. Ukrainian pilots operating F-16s from NATO bases then proceeded to attack Russian assets. Russia is forced to make more difficult decisions. Attack NATO facilities or continue to accept NATO acts of war. – kKEETON…

The West feels that once a war (WW3) starts, they can erase all their sins!

At least the sins they will be tared and feathered over…


This situation is no longer a issue that can be ignored and no longer an issue that the masses are able to push aside. For if we keep kicking the can down the road and look at life as a bed of roses? The scum in charge are going to kill us and try to sit upon their pile of gold as Scrooge McDuck does…

The big issue is still, whom is driving these nasty humans, to turncoat upon the human race?


What drives a human(s) to self-destruct?

Very simple: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and (last but not least) Wrath. These are called the seven deadly sins and we have embraced these sins as normality. Thus, they have become a way of life to live, not a way of life to avoid…

The last man standing may not be a man…

Why we have left our roots?


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.