Russia wake up and dump the West in mind, body and soul. (And Thinking’s)


1. Don’t waste too much time conversing with the West; instead, concentrate on deconstructing NATO (the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization), whose principal objective is to murder Russian citizens on Russian territory and eventually destroy Russia. Then never look back at the West except to guard your back from the future nasty Hordes…

2. No matter who you are, anyone with an internet connection has no excuse not to know the truth. If you are too lazy to look for the truth, that is a personal problem, no one else’s, and you will be held responsible for it on the Day of Judgment. You cannot use an excuse like “they lied to me” to get out of this…

3. They have done what they are doing now previously, and they have blamed the USSR for it at that time. At least now that more people are aware of what is going on and Russia’s new strategy is in full motion, we should see results in about 5 to 10 years. If we all live that long…

4. The west has determined that China, Iran and Russia must be eliminated as powers or the current Western World Order will come to an end. From the perspective of the West, there is only one way out of this: war…

5. It’s as if we in the East are looking at a simulation where “lies” and only lies are accepted as “the reality” in the West. Thus the Western people are living that simulation, as we watch…

Just thoughts…

What? You want more? Well, I have plenty, but you get bored easily…


Russia wake up and dump the West in mind, body and soul…

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.