In the name of justice by Steven Seagal…

“I will fight on the side of my president”

Actor and special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for humanitarian relations with the United States Steven Seagal said that at the beginning of the Second World War he wrote a letter to Putin in which he expressed his readiness to die for him and for Russia.

“I was in the Middle East, teaching martial arts to some people. And I heard that a special operation had begun. The next day I wrote a letter and was convinced that it would most likely reach the president,” he said in his documentary “In the Name of Justice,” which is posted on the platform “”

He stressed that in the letter he expressed support for Putin and noted that now Russia will see who its true compatriots are, who are its friends, and who are its enemies.

Steven Seagal, an American producer and special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for humanitarian relations between Russia and the United States, personally talked with the victims of Ukrainian nationalists and saw with his own eyes what was happening in Donbass.

After the start of the Special Military Operation, Steven Seagal personally talked with the victims of the Ukrainian nationalists and saw with his own eyes what was happening in Donbass. He became one of the few who met with captured nationalists from the AZOV battalion and visited the sites of their crimes against civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk. His visit to Donbass attracted the attention of the world community and the media. Unique footage and eyewitness accounts are featured in the documentary “In the Name of Justice”.

*A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

Director: Steven Seagal


“Я буду сражаться на стороне своего президента”

Актер, спецпредставитель российского МИД по гуманитарным связям с США Стивен Сигал рассказал, что в начале СВО написал письмо Путину, в котором выразил готовность умереть за него и за Россию.

“Я был на Ближнем Востоке, обучал боевым искусствам некоторых людей. И я услышал, что началась спецоперация. На следующий день я написал письмо и убедился, что оно с большой вероятностью дойдет до президента”, – сказал он в своем документальном фильме “Во имя справедливости”, который размещен на платформе “Смотрим. ру”.

Он подчеркнул, что в письме выразил поддержку Путину и отметил, что теперь Россия увидит, кто ее настоящие соотечественники, кто друзья, а кто враги.


I like it…

And yes, Putin in my president also…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.