You Are Not Free – So Accept That…

While drinking that morning cup of coffee. I found myself thinking about an issue that crops up a lot. I found today that I have been censored from many of the videos that I was able to get to yesterday. I kept links on all the videos that I wanted to study that were on You Tube and such…

So for some reason? 🙂 I get the images above on most of the links I saved. That is if they are on YouTube and only about the Cable Document Dump situation…

Out of twenty videos I can only get to 5 of them without using a proxy. If I use a proxy, based out of America then I can get to them all…

So now I have to fall back, as I always have to do and use videos from this side of the world or use tricks to fool the system. I have written before about this and everyone acts like it is “No Big Deal”…

Well it is a big deal to me when I am censored by America because I live in Russia. It is a big deal to me when anyone is stopped from watching something because any government anywhere does not want people to see it…

I am also seeing my Google Searches on this Cable Dump issue being censored. What took only a few words to find now takes detailed and direct words. I have talked about this before also and everyone acts like it is “No Big Deal”…

What I am trying to say is that all the countries are censoring data. They pick and chose what they censor, when and how they want. One of the worst abusers is China but I am here to tell you America is sneaking up on the Chinese in censorship… I know that some will argue that the You Tube situation is because the owners set the block. Well that is not always true. Many of these links are to sites and channels that I have used for a long time. I would say that the people do not even know that someone has changed the setting on who can see their videos that they post. (For you see who really cares about if someone from Russia can see it or not? I care…)

Sveta has done some experimenting and contacted several owners of channels on YouTube in the past. We communicate because we wanted to know why we were all of a sudden not welcome anymore. Of course they had no idea that they had been marked in such a way. Several have moved to Yandex (Russian) and Baidu (Chinese) video because of it…

Sveta has all but thrown her hands in the air and given up over the video blog that we have. We made a mistake by relying on YouTube for the last few years and now we have a nightmare on our hands with so many videos blocked and censored. Sveta has worked at getting them replaced but posting new videos has suffered tremendously. You will see that I have had big issues with videos and I have turned to outside sources to store my video data because I was having videos just quit working for no reason. These are videos that were from YouTube…

I always think of this little quote, as I get upset and cranky about these things that are always told to me to be “No Big Deal!”

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

So as you read your articles and posts about how free you are. When you are being told how good everything is. Remember that I am seeing news and data related items that you can not see, just as you are seeing news and data related items that they block me from…

You sat by and watched 75 sites get taken down by the USA government. You watch while congress stews over, should the internet be stifled. You accept that videos can be blocked. You accept and accept because it does not involve you at that moment…

This is minor stuff compared to some of the issues going on in the world. But it is all going on while you are concentrating on the TSA and fondling issues. All these little freedoms are being destroyed under the wire…

You are not free… (So Accept That…)