Every soldier will soon have amongst his training in hand to hand combat and hand held weapons, a control tablet and or a drone as standard equipment…

Drones are now the main weapon used in the Ukrainian conflict. Drones are used to scout, observe, target, and strike all over the battlefield. They destroyed artillery, fighting vehicles, tanks, armored vehicles, individuals, dugouts, shelters, etc etc etc. Drones are at the forefront of the Ukraine SMO, which is why Russian casualties are so minimal…

They are logistical, tactical, and strategic all in one. This concept took NATO and Russia by surprise at the start of the SMO and while Russia responded in complete acceptance of the drone, NATO is still lost as to the real importance of the drone. Not tanks bur drones…

Russian drones fly by the 10’s of thousands 24/7/365, day and night, fly along an estimable 1000-mile front with depths of almost 600 kilometers deep into Ukraine proper. They can be seen and unheard for the most part outside windows, inside buildings, buses, vans, trucks, and other objects, as well as on top of anything.
Everything is being replaced by the drone and as I have been seeing, drones are going to carry small arms soon and be efficient with them….

Drones are the new front between the East and West…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.