The Western Media is One of my Pet Peeves!

Today, while I was drinking my wonderful cup of coffee in Moscow, Russia! I came upon an old article in my archives, on a subject that you read much about in my website. I then explored and realized that I had hundreds of articles on the subject. Therefore, if you follow the website, you know that I have very strong feelings about the lies in the western press. I also have strong feelings about lies in any press eastern or western…

One of the biggest issues that I have with America is the “Western Media” and its lack of transparency. The Western Media seems to have a secret agenda that is not helpful to the productivity of the American people…

Media in the west is a commercial or political product that does not have the goal of enlightening society, or strengthening democracy, or bettering relationships in the world and refining truth for people’s knowledge, we just have people watching TV to stick around for the commercials, or manipulated toward a political goal. Therefore, the American people are getting only enough political information to create a divide in the world on an “us and them” basis! Then we get a saturation of “buy this” and “buy that” overload in information…

It is a shame that the west has to do this and it is a bigger shame that I watch the east do the same to try to counteract the western lies…

Two lies do not make a truth, in anyone’s book…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…