We Watch Blogs Come and Go: From Moscow, Russia!

Over the years we have watched many blogs come and go. I always wonder what happens and why? They never let you know why they quit posting and they just fade away.

It is easy to spot a blog that is dying and all you have to do is look for signs. Like comments go unanswered, posts become infrequent and topic changes from the original topic!

There are a few blogs that have stuck it out and have become great blogs in their own rights. I do not associate with so called high powered blogs that are the gift to blog heaven through SEO tricks and techniques. I believe that a blog is good by the energy that the owner puts into the blog.

It is a shame that Google can not see through the crud out here in the blogosphere. Most good blogs are left in the dust…

1. One fantastic blog that has owners with tremendous passion for what they write is Roberto and Lydia of the blog – Silver People Chronicles! They have been plodding along recording the history of the Panamanian region through the eyes of a West Indian. Roberto and Lydia have lived in America and decided to settle back in Panama to conduct their writings. I have had the pleasure to have found their blog from around day one and read it as the posts come on line.

They also have a blog – The Silver People Heritage Foundation This is another fantastic blog that has started to become stronger and stronger by the week.

So head on over to Roberto and Lydia’s they would appreciate it and the hospitality is fantastic.

2. I’ll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book! This is a wonderful surviving blog from an author named Clark that has a passion for books. Several other blogs of his have fallen to the wayside but this blog to my delight has survived and still is being posted every few weeks. I am an avid fan of reading and find a lot of good books to read through his assertions and efforts. I miss his blog Rotus and hope that one day he will be able to bring it back to life. Go see Clark and say Hi! Tell him Kyle sent you…

3. My life in Bergen, a photo-blog! You want to see a first hand eye on a beautiful country. Then this is the blog for you. Bergen, Norway is just stunningly beautiful and this blog is from a photographer (Bskaad) that lives there and sees life first hand. He is busy making a living as we all must do, but when it comes to his passion of taking picture he is top notch. Bskaad loves guests on his blog and enjoys when people find a picture that catches your fancy…

4. The 100% Unofficial Blog of the Russian President! This is another good Russian blog. It follows a slightly different path than my blog so we overlap very little. I enjoy reading what he posts and will leave the rest to you after you go on over to his site and try him out. He goes by Лжедмитрий!

5. Russian Video From Russia! My wife has a fantastic video blog that is ranked at the top of her category. But since Russian videos are not a big favorite in the world, her blog struggles to get new readership. Svet has a weekend movie that is a full length Russian movie from the Soviet Era, that are always a great way to spend a rainy afternoon. She also posts almost everyday a video that pertains to Russia. I am very proud of her and what she has accomplished in this blog. Her addition to Windows to Russia is part of the corner stone of the site.

6. Russian Photo Blog! Another blog of ours that Svet and I work on together is our photo blog. It is nothing but real pictures taken on life in Russia. Everything in the blog has been taken by Svet or I. Everything in the blog is Russia! We have hundreds of pictures in this blog. So stop by and take a peak at Russia…

7. Былое и думы! Челита (Chelita) a very avid blog owner loves to post in this blog about the happenings of her life in Israel. Челита is Russian and her husband Misha always have lots of fun in and with life. Svet and I traveled to see them in 2008 and they were the best hosts that anyone could ever have. This blog always has very interesting posts and she has a translator to translate into other languages. Stop on by and say Hi! You never know what Челита is going to post next…

That is it for today and I will post a few more tomorrow. The post got extra long and winded.

I do not follow the SEO rule of only connect to blogs that have the same content. I try to connect to who I read and enjoy…

Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.