The Snow Gone Experiment!

I have talked about this habit that Moscow has of altering the weather. Moscow does not appreciate rain during big important events in the city so Moscow just tells the rain to stay away. 🙂

Now the official word has come out that Moscow has finally decided to tell the snow to go away…

This winter Moscow municipal services will start seeding approaching snow clouds, so that they drop their load outside of the city. The move is expected to cut down on the cost of cleaning the capital’s streets.

The experiment is to start in mid-November and all through the winter till mid-March, according to Mayor Yury Luzhkov. He said that only the biggest clouds will be targeted by the air defense system.

The estimated cost of the measure is more than six million dollars, but the city hopes to save almost twice as much in street cleaning and rescue operation costs, Moscow’s public services department says. (Link)

I know they can do this and have seen it in play for weekends that should have been raining, but Moscow was beautiful and sunny. For those of you who have spent a lot of time in Moscow, you know that the normal weather picture is basically a dreary and cloudy day… (including weekends)

This plan to send the snow away started back in the year 2000. That is when the first tests of this form of technology was performed. It is now done regularly to prevent rain on national holidays like Victory Day and the Day of Russia…

Where oh where has the snow gone?
Where oh where can it be?
We will see!

Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.