Fluorescent Bulbs Hit a Wall of Grouchy People in Russia…

It seems that Russia had plans just like the rest of the world. Of phasing out incandescent bulbs. I remember in 2009 hearing about said plans. They went something like…

* Three-step plan to phase out standard bulbs… (I have heard that things have been pushed back to 2012?)
* Ban on 100-watt bulbs from 2011, 70-watt from 2013. rest by 2014…
* Designed to save energy… (But your eyesight goes to hell!)
* Mirrors European Union plan… (Whoopee – that makes it alright!)

Well it seems that the best laid plans of “mice and men” had issues with the fact that they want to tell people to buy 150+ ruble price light bulbs when you can get them for 2 or 3 rubles each. People in Russia wanted to step on the “mice” in charge of said bulb conversion…

Now to be fair the Fluorescent Bulb does last longer and is more energy efficent. But they just plain suck in all other aspects. From light quality to serious danger when broken…

So at the French store Auchan. the Walmart equivalent for Russia. Incandescent bulbs can be bought for around 2.5 rubles each, I bought 20 bulbs last time I was there and realized now that I should have bought a truck load of them. I think next time I am there, I will buy about 100,000 of them and store them… 🙂

Then when Russia decides to do something really stupid (As Russia will given the time!) and go against the people wishes. (By removing the cheap bulb from the country.) I will be rich because I can sell them all at a higher price. I just have to be willing to sit on them for a few years because Russia will do the “stupid” thing…

Now don’t get me wrong. I am a believer in fluorescent tubes in mass quantities all over the ceiling. They have always given me headaches but I live with it due to longevity. Being in corporate business and food service you get to change a lot of these type of bulbs. But I will say that disposal makes the usage very border line for normal households. Fun is the word, in breaking any fluorescent bulb and that leads to big issues…

Now: The world needs to get off this “high horse” of, telling the people what they should buy and not buy! Why do we not just have them both and let the people decide what they want through natural procession. Is that so hard to do? Or can the people not be trusted to do what is wanted in the eyes of the controllers?

Hear that Russia?