What’s Happening in Libya? Asks Russia With Dismay…

With the help of coalition air strikes, anti-Gadhafi forces are making sustained progress toward the Libyan capital Tripoli. The Western military intervention appears to have entered a new phase. Instead of just protecting civilians as foreseen under the UN resolution, coalition forces are actively supporting rebel fighters. (Spiegel Online has been posting some good articles about this war. Read More >>>)

So while you sit and eat dinner in front of the TV and listen to the evening news about how wonderful the war is in Libya and that we do not take sides. While you accept that America NATO has taken over the war. The coalition is killing hundreds and hundreds of men women and children who are loyal to Libya in the name of the Rebels who just happen to be  al-Qaeda trained and backed…

The commander of anti Gaddafi rebels forces in Libya has admitted that among the ranks of those fighting against the government are Islamic militants who have fought and killed US troops in Iraq, otherwise known as “al qaeda” fighters. Read More >>>

So when Russia says that the coalition is not following the plan set forth by the UN. They are right. But if I remember correctly, this happened with Iraq and Afghanistan also…

Russia needs to learn about the West!

Give them an inch and they will take a mile…

Windows to Russia!