Windows to Russia: Back to Square One on Comments Again…

It seems that Windows to Russia has a gremlin in the comment section. We are now back to original comments and being spammed like no tomorrow. This happened because the Google Friend Connect system completely invaded our system and even took over our profile section. I at one point had to completely reinstall the blog because it locked me out of my admin. At first I thought Virus but that was quickly removed from the equation and every time I tried to use Friend Connect, I would find code in my email section, comments full of Friend Connect code and about half a dozen other issues…

So a sorry is in order and I am doing some study on it, but that means I can not use it (Friend Connect) until I figure out what the heck is going on. So I rewrote the comment code and took out Friend Connect and all is working great except for I have 523 spam since yesterday and the number is climbing at a fast pace. But to be truthful I have had two dozen legit comments amongst the bad and also discovered that I was missing any and all mobile phone comments… (That I will also apology for and will correct it.)

So I guess I know what I will be doing this weekend and will be spending time coding the blog again. It has been a never ending battle with comments…

Another issues against Friend Connect is that I can not move the comments from it to WordPress so maybe this is on purpose to make me reconsider the comment system on Windows to Russia…

The WordPress system is wonderful for comments but it also is a spam magnet and makes life a living hell with comments. If I block them with a spam plugin like Askismet. I still have to go through each and everyone to check and verify so it means nothing to have it in effect. It just adds more work to checking comments. If I allow Askismet to delete comments that it calls spam then I never see the good comments and believe me, it calls more than a few good comments spam. I get spammed all the time at other sites that use spam control and it seems to be an automatic thing with ip’s from Russia. In fact I gave up on many blogs to comment because they never posted my comment after it was caught in the spam filter…

As far as aftermarket comments: Intense Debate, Disqus and other similar systems are spam magnets. You must moderate and check any and all comments. I can do that with the original WordPress comment system because I can set it to hold all comments until I say OK…

Someday I will have a system that allows us to comment and be posted then and there. The nearest thing was Google Friend Connect and now it went crazy…

Windows to Russia!