Russia is Listening to The War Drums Again by the West…

Can’t you just hear those ground war drums? Going Boom Boom Boom…

I can hear those ground war drums! Going Boom Boom boom…

They are saying ground war in Libya! Going Boom Boom Boom…

Russia is very upset at the situation that is now progressing by the West in Libya. The lies have continued, the false accusations have kept coming, the staged photo sessions are still in full print and now that two reporters have died who should not have been there in the first place, Russia is watching the twist of propaganda that forelays invasion by the West on the ground…

It is easy to see all this from Russia. Can you see it or do you care that we manipulate the masses to get the means for the end?

Windows to Russia!

In Russia I Can Hear The Drums Tonight About Libya: Boom Boom Boom…
Starting to Look Like the West Will Cross the Rubicon River…