Russians Laugh at Cold but Fear the Heat…

I have been watching a huge number of air conditioners going up all around Moscow. Last year the heat wave (By Russian standards) we had, literally sent most Russians into a heatstroke induced coma. It was so bad that even the government changed the rules about what you have to do to get an air conditioner put in now. What use to be an act of god to have done is now easy to do…

I had a good laugh today when I walked by a building and way up high they had two men installing air conditioners. Now the way that flat runs they have put and air conditioner in every room and in fact the one they are working on right now, they are installing two air conditioners in one room. The second set of brackets is being installed right now…

I find it interesting that Russians play chess in -20 degree Celsius weather but if it gets above +20 degrees Celsius, life starts getting rough…

I have watched air conditioners popping up everywhere and it seems to be a mess. The buildings are starting to look like they have growths all over the outside…

Oh by the way! This image to right is an example of why Russian males do not live very long. Just follow this link and you will see what is up…

So while Russian can tolerate cold extremes that make most of the world want to crawl into a cave and hide all winter. It is the summers that make a Russian wish he could crawl into a cave and hide all summer…

Good thing Summer is only about a month long of heat…

Windows to Russia!