Is It Me? Or Does Russia Putting American Satellites in Orbit Seem Strange…

Russia’s Proton-M carrier rocket that blasted off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan last night has effectively placed the US communications satellite Telstar-14P into its final orbit. The satellite is due to provide communication for fleet air and flight navigation facilities in Central and South America. This has been the 65th commercial launch of the Proton carrier rocket.
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Source: Voice of Russia.

Don’t get me wrong! I think it is great for Russia, but being an American and watching the USA Space Program go to hell. Just bothers me…

When I grew up we all wanted to be astronauts and space was the things dreams are made of. I guess that I just think that Space exploration and abilities to put our own satellites in orbit rank a hell of a lot higher than spending trillions on destroying little Middle East countries…

Russia still has the desire to explore space and it seems that they will not set those desires aside. Looks like a mistake is being made somewhere and it is not by Russia…

What is wrong with this picture? It just does not look right to me…

Windows to Russia!