We Alleged So It Must Be True…

Article after article has been printed in the last few days about Obama pushing the issue of the “Alleged North Korea Torpedo Sinking The South Korean Ship” President Obama says he has had what he called blunt talks with President Hu Jintao of China on the issue of the sinking – “allegedly” by North Korea – of a South Korean warship in March.

Main Entry: Alleged
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈlejd, -ˈle-jəd\
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century

1 : asserted to be true or to exist
2 : questionably true or of a specified kind : supposed, so-called
3 : accused but not proven or convicted

— al·leg·ed·ly \-ˈle-jəd-lē\ adverb

We have as a world become pathetically unable to understand a reading ability above a certain grade level. Many articles in America are written at a 4th to 8th grade reading level. Even that is sometimes too much for people to understand… (Link) (Link)

If you have kept an eye on main news articles you then understand that they use occasional words that are beyond the normal reading level…

A word such as “Alleged”, This word is passed over by most people because it means nothing to them.

So an original statement such as “President Obama says he has had what he called blunt talks with President Hu Jintao of China on the issue of the sinking – allegedly by North Korea – of a South Korean warship in March.”

Becomes, “Obama says he has had what he called talks with the President of China on the the sinking – by North Korea – of a South Korean warship in March.

This rewrite may even be above a lot of people in the worlds ability to read…

We have a media full of: Tiger Woods’ Alleged Mistress – alleged drug lord – alleged Mafia hit man – Alleged ATM Hacking Spree – Jesse James’ Alleged Mistresses – report alleged Wikileaks “Collateral … These are some of the thousands of uses for the word alleged in our daily lives. We use the alleged word when we do not have facts or evidence that backs up what we say…

The word alleged has a meaning that is very blurry and not a focused situation. Anyone can allege. Anyone can point fingers. Anyone can accuse. But it seems that the ones who base life on facts are few and far between…

One thing alleged does not mean is that it is a “fact

Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: \ˈfakt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
Date: 15th century

1 : a thing done: as a obsolete : feat b : crime c archaic : action
2 archaic : performance, doing
3 : the quality of being actual : actuality
4 a : something that has actual existence b : an actual occurrence
5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality

— in fact : in truth

Night and day between these words and we have Obama and company using “Alleged as Fact”. People in control of our destiny (so to speak) such as politicians have to deal with facts but they do not and that is part of what is wrong with the world…

But then most people do not care because they accept “hook, line and sinker” what the media tells them…

Windows to Russia!