Coffee and the Little Thinking’s in Russia Today…

Today while sipping that morning cup of coffee and enjoying the sunshine through our windows, I had lots of little thinking’s on my mind. (You know the thoughts that hang around and seem to keep popping up every few minutes.) Nothing earth shattering just persistent thoughts…

Sveta and I went to a hospital yesterday and visited an elderly lady friend who had fallen and fractured her hip. It seems that her dog pulled her off balance when they were walking and she fell during the walk. She is doing good and of course the first thing that comes to your mind is how many elderly people never recover from a broken hip. But in her case it looks to be a fracture and she should heal soon and be up and around in no time. It looked as though the hospital was doing a good job taking care of her and we could see the nurses did a good job and were attentive. Sveta is going to take one of our cell phones to her that also has a TV built in. It works good and it will help her transverse the time away while she is confined to a bed. It is strange that Russian hospitals do not supply a TV…

While at the hospital Sveta and I found a huge bomb shelter on the hospital grounds. They had steel gates keeping us out but I could see the two foot thick steel and concrete doors that sealed the shelter during an attack. This stirred memories in me of all the times that we would do a bomb shelter exercise in school in America. We would as little kids go through the paces of simulating an attack on America by the Soviet Union and then we would orderly go to the designated bomb shelter and take cover…

While Sveta and I were studying a bomb shelter from the olden days. We heard circus music and such playing across the street. We investigated that music and found a huge park that had a circus and a fair playing in the center. So Sveta and I just had to wander around and see what the kids were up to… 🙂

The circus was in session and on its last play for the day. They will be back next weekend and Sveta and I may try to go see the circus playing. It has Lions, Tigers and Bears, oh my…

Sveta and I spent an extra hour at the park, but since we were stealing a parking space from the hospital, we decided to get going before the hospital locked their gates for visitor parking. Visiting hours were over by 7 pm and it was close…

The next thinking that came to me was an age old question asked in America. How many workers does it take to dig a hole? In this case, my thought centered on how many workers to fix a broken playground train? Looks like 6 in this particular case in Moscow Russia. But I will be nice because as Sveta told me! “Be glad they even care enough to fix it and it is being fixed!” So I am glad that they are fixing it and will not make any jokes about how many does it take…

Besides they got it back together and it looks good and the kids are really happy. What makes me unhappy is that it was destroyed by 20 plus year olds who drink way too much and decided that the young kids playground is their drinking playground. It is a shame because the kids really like their playgrounds that Russia is so fond of putting everywhere…

I also have one last thought and it centers around things like this photo. >>>>> I found this little guy hidden under a tree and he is really cool. You just do not see him very easily and Sveta found him first. I really think that things like this are what makes life wonderful. Someone took the time to create a sculpture and placed it in a spot that when you do find it, you realize that he could see you all the time but you had no idea that he was there…

That is it for today. Sveta and I had a good weekend. How about you?

Russia is really not much different than what you see everyday around your part of the world! Is it?

Windows to Russia!