Coffee and Russia and Syria and China and Pakistan…

I was drinking that morning cup of coffee and enjoying the aroma wafting in the air. It was a cool 10 degrees Celsius this morning and that as always is good weather for a hot beverage. My thoughts this morning with that cup of coffee centered on Syria and Pakistan…

It is starting to look like Syria is a focal point with Russia. Just as Pakistan is a focal point with China. It also seems very clear that the charades situation that we call Libya. Has really sunk in to Russia and China that the West is a untrustworthy facade of a Empire. Both China and Russia took a real beating on the home front over their lack of votes in the UN and their trusting of the Western Coalition…

So now as the leaders in the West call for a “Charge of the Light Brigade” and protect Pakistan from evils and nuclear disaster. The same calls are being manifested in the Western news media as we watch the protruded deaths, now by some standards approaching several thousand in Syria. (After months of silence) But it seems now that Obama has given a stern warning to Syria and we can’t have our fearless leader look weak now, can we?

It looks to me like the Western turmoil tactics are just part of a bigger issue that means to cover up the fact that the West is the most incredibly in-debt Empire in the history of the Earth and Empires do not die quietly…

If you do not see that Russia by standing behind Syria and China by standing behind Pakistan, is not a perquisite to World War Three. If you can not see that the reset between America and Russia has failed. If you can not see that Russia is pissed about the missile defense issues in Europe. If you can’t see that Medvedev was made to look like a buffoon in his peoples eyes. If you can’t see that China has been ramping up her military very quietly. If you can’t see that Russia is in a military restructure. If you can’t see that the West is invading countries illegally. Then you are living in a hole somewhere and or really do not care that the world is on the true edge of a flash point at this moment…

At some point Russia and China will have had enough and that point is developing as we drink our coffee…

Windows to Russia!

PS: Lets hope that Russia and China are adults about the world problems and not children like the West is and have been…

PSS: Update – Since Syria and Pakistan are road blocked temporarily. Yemen has now become to the forefront and the threats are now centered on Yemen…