Windows to Russia: Over 2000 Posts and 3 Years Old…

A few months ago Windows to Russia passed the three year mark. She has way over 2000 posts to her credit but is hovering still at 2000 due to the loss of several hundred plus posts due to Blogger Blogspot destruction and GoDaddy virus issues…

You will see old posts popping up everyday as we attempt to regain lost posts and reprint them. It seems that Windows to Russia has been averaging 2 posts a day for 3 years and we consider that no small feat…

It all started with this post: Life in Russia! It is a mess of an article and you can tell that I was not sure what we were about to embark on…

The one thing for sure is that Svet and I have a special relationship that has grown in strength and I am knocking on the door of 4 years in Russia and the blog has grown as I have…

We still struggle to create that perfect blog and most likely will never get there. As once again Windows to Russia fights the odds and gets knocked down by Google. (Page rank went South) The last template that we had was not made by a nice person and Google was not happy with it. It had hidden links by the maker of said template and they were in a special code that I did not see. We have learned one thing about WordPress, It is wonderful but everyone tries to game the system and you are the prey…

We have also learned a lot about what to look for and now we have taken a basic template and redesigned it ourself from the beginning. We are still new to WordPress and learning…

1,839,000 hits is what Windows to Russia has had since day one. (That is an average of 1679 hits a day) We have always kept a hit counter running even if it never shows. We do not track stats anymore like we use too, because even though they are very interesting, there are just too many hits to deal with. If we have issues with a commenter or such. We have stats on the self-hosting if need be, that keeps us up to date…

One last thing before I finish today. A lot of people and quite a few Russian websites belittled Windows to Russia for the first year. Then several so called big boys and girls decided to degrade the site in the second year. We have ignored them and kept plucking away.

Now they ignore us because we are still here and they would have to eat crow, if they acknowledged that we are still around…

The truth is, Windows to Russia has one of the largest data bases of information about Russia that you will find. We also have a Photo Blog, a Video Blog, a Portal Website, A Soviet Stories Blog and a Russian News Blog!

So “God Willing” can you imagine these sites 10 years from now?

Windows to Russia!