Looks like we found our Internet fix for the Village…

It seems that we finally found what works very good in the village for Internet. It is running at broadband speeds and we can even go faster if we so desire. All through a little usb modem that looks like a flash drive. It is amazing to sit in a place with no running water and lucky to have electricity half the time and have a laptop working with no Internet issues…

Internet is unlimited and cost about 299 rubles a month. The modem cost 750 rubles and came with one month unlimited Internet free. We just pay for a month at a time as we need it. Sort like prepay cell phone. Except in Russia that is the way you do almost all cell phone and Internet. You pay ahead and that is that… 🙂

So I sit here inside our village home and type out this article just like if I was in Moscow. It is really neat and we now can have Internet anywhere that we can get cell phone connection…

I will post an article later today or tomorrow morning. I have lots to do and I am not going to spend it on the computer. I have already changed the oil in the car and installed a fan to help cool the inside of the car. It is one of those old time oscillating metal fans made for a car and mounts on the dash. It works really good…

Sveta wants to go swimming and Boza of course wants to walk a hundred times a day. I have work to do to the village house and of course I have lots of pictures to take… 🙂

Maybe I will post some pictures later. The Village is beautiful this time of the year…

The lakes are all filled and it looks to be a bumper crop year for farm raised fish. They say even in the main news that farm raised Russian fish is going to be plentiful and cheap this year…


Kyle and Sveta
Windows to Russia!