A Typical Day in the Village…

Today that cup of chicory was perfect and with it was lots of thinking’s. So I decided to post some pictures of what has happened the last few days…

First is a sign to the entrance of the Fish Farm that our village is located inside of. 1933 is when it was built and it is still producing tons of fish a year. They have it down to an art…

Second picture is the top of the bell tower in our village as it peeks over our fence…

Third is a young lady who is visiting with her parents in the village. They have a home here also like we do. As you can see Boza wastes no time in making friends…

Fourth is a new product that we found. I have looked all over for diet drink made in Russia. This is made in Tula, Russia and as it says on the front it is called Tula Drink. It has the flavor of Kvas, no sugar, no carbohydrates and a twist of lemon. It is so good that I bought a whole case of it to have back in Moscow. We have never seen it in Moscow. But then again we find lots of stuff outside of Moscow. In Moscow they don,t allow many outside products that will take away from the big purveyors like Pepsi and Coke. This is a wonderful thing for this diabetic to have something other than diet cola to drink…

Fifth and sixth are the start of a huge thunderstorm. Sveta got pictures as this storm started to grow. It grew right in front of our eyes and grew to cover the whole sky. I feel that we were lucky to get that anvil shape (cumulonimbus) of the cloud. By the time Sveta got the picture it was almost bigger than what the camera could capture. This storm went from a clear sky to what you see in just a few minutes…

Seventh picture is the goat that supplies us with lots of good milk. We just had to show you our prize raw milk producer… 🙂

Then last but not least a picture of Sveta doing what she loves to do best. Reading under the shade tree…

Now that is living…

Kyle and Sveta
Windows to Russia!