Preachers of Democracy Stutter in Russia Over American Repressions…

You have to smile at the photos. They look so much like pictures from Russia and China. Does the US realize how hypocritical they have been all these years?

The blog sphere is lit up like a 1,000,000 watt candle in Russia. The criers of democracy are stuttering and the told you so’s are saying, Well – “I told you so!”…

The blow to the mental state of democracy in the foreign world is amazing. The big question is, “Why does the beacon of democracy suppress and arrest protestors? What has become of our dream the USA?”

To a few in Russia the dream of democracy was just that. A dream that they had envisioned in their head. This dream mainly was centered on the fact that America was a place that no one got arrested for voicing their opinion and no one got told that they could not assemble when and where they want too… 🙂 That part makes me smile…

What do you think that the assemblies in Russia are always about. It has nothing to do with anything but a desire to assemble illegally or legally, anytime they feel like. Just like in America…

Now a barrage of told you so’s in Russia are popping up and telling the very small but big mouthed group of normal protesters that assemble against the law every month, such as the 31 group in Moscow. They always assemble on the 31st of the month to protest and show that Russia is not a democracy…

Well I have to tell you that these groups are stuttering now. They have been let down by the great almighty America and the dream of assembly with no repercussion is dead in the water…

The Eastern press is quietly, efficiently and methodically passing the word about an America that represses, depresses and silences her people, because America is trying to cover up how bad it really is. But now that this uprising in America (Called the America Autumn an equivalent to Arab Spring ) is growing and spreading to parts of Europe and such. The word is out that maybe, just maybe something is really wrong with democracy. Maybe it is time to question the validity of democracy and rethink strategies all over the world…

Myself I am shocked at what I am starting to see appear as videos and written word about the Wall-Street issue. I remember that I watched a video about a month ago. It was of a group of women that had been corralled. A officer of the law walked right up to them and over a barricade fence sprayed pepper spray into their eyes. It has gotten worse from that point and the arrests are becoming common place…

As an American I will say that repercussions could get  deadly and the minute that one of these officers uses his hand gun on a barricaded woman. Then you may see the estimated 194,000,000 weapons in the closets of Americans come out into the open. It is a fact that gun sales and ammo sales are at an all time high in America. People are getting prepared…

Watch the video. It was a very bad thing and sooner or later people are going to say enough is enough…

So with videos like this and many many more that are popping up. Along with the real pictures of what is happening and the shear numbers of people that have come out in force in America. Plus as the wave of protests have included Europe…

The democracy supporters in Russia have seen what many have tried to tell them. Demons live all over the world, even in their precious gold plated America…

I am saddened by what I am seeing and then I thought back to what Gerald Celente said: “When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it!”

Is he right? Many will argue that Americans still have it better than everyone else in the world. I agree but I think that just makes it worse. People look at only their place on the planet. Americans may be better off than Somalians but if they feel like they are worse off and being cheated then they will actually explode with more vehemence in the end…

Russians are interesting and this Wall-Street escapade has caught their attention. I have tried to ignore it and enjoy life on this side of the world. But it looks like it is coming to a theater soon near you and you better get ready… 🙁

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!