Unbelievably Wonderful: Gaddafi E-mails to Windows to Russia…

Last night I received a slew of comments on the e-mail system. I expected to be slandered all over the place as I usually am. I had in mind just to delete them all and say Oops…

I was wrong and totally amazed at the compassion and sadness at the way Gaddafi was treated in his final minutes…

Many cried…

Many worried…

Many were angry along with that sadness…

Here is one I received:

The silence is Deafening.
I wonder if anyone will ever end that silence?
Fairness, Justice and Freedom have become Dirty Words.

Every human being knows in their hearts and in their minds that something is terribly wrong in the world. You don’t even have the Freedom to Speak Out, or even Question what you see anymore.
For without doing those, you all give them your Consent.
Events have evolved outside the Control of the Individual, whom is now powerless to do anything but Watch.

So remember those Dirty Words.
They Died Forever Today.


The one thing that was common with them all was the fact that we (West) were suppose to be happy about this occasion and many seemed taken back by it all. It was if a realization slammed home to millions and millions of people all at the same time, Law and Order is gone from the world agenda. Democracy and the Rule of Law no longer go hand in hand…

Not a single derogatory comment was sent to me. Not a single, “I hate you or you should die.” comment was spat my way…

No one will ever contend that Gaddafi was a saint but when he was killed it was with a gasp from the people in the world. We have been told from day one that Gaddafi was to be held accounted for his crimes. We believed that and even though we all knew it would be his death. We all expected him to be brought to trial and then everything that Gaddafi had knowledge of would be put on the table. Good or bad for the Western world we did not care, We only knew that Gaddafi had information that can put light on much corruption in the world…

We wanted an ending to why the West stuck its nose into Libya. We want why months before all this started he was met with open arms and hugged by all of our great pathetic leaders. We wanted real answers and those answers would come by a court system that was prided on being the Rule of Law…

We were told that this was not about killing Gaddafi…

I have to put a statement by Lew Rockwell in at this time:

It wasn’t only Hillary, Obama, Bush, and the rest of the power elite that cheered the murder of Gaddafi today. CNN showed the tape of his being beaten bloody before he was shot in the head, again and again and again, for our delectation. It was a tribal killing, ordered by the US, and savored by the establishment as well as the perps. He was a dictator, but more so than Obama? More so than the fundamentalists the US has brought to power, so as to cause chaos? As in Iraq, ethnic and religious minorities may look back on the dictator’s rule as a golden age. This isn’t a bunch of classical liberals who’ve come to power. Certainly anything that has Hillary–who looks more and more like one of the Three Witches every day–chortling over blood and scheming for more, can’t be good news.  Lew Rockwell

As I have said before. The West has no respect for the rest of the world. Just look at Libya now. Look at what we considered a proper choice to run Libya. May God help us for stepping where we should never have gone…

I want to thank all for the e-mails I got. They were heart warming and gave me hope that people are really good inside after all. It looks like we have created another Martyr out of Gaddafi just like we did out of Ben laden. We truly are ignominious…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: President Barack Obama hailed the lifting of the “dark tyranny” over Libya after the new government confirmed Muammar Gaddafi had been killed, issuing a warning to other dictators in the Middle East – and particularly Syria – that they could be next…