In Russia a Crosswalk will Cross You…

I have long expressed my distaste for the way Russian drivers drive in their cars. This video just reinforces my feelings. Sveta and I have seen hundreds of accidents just on the streets of Moscow, that happened only because of stupidity and training. I blame the system in Russia for the poor drivers. No training and buying of a license is normal…

I came upon this video by an e-mail from a reader and when I saw it, my heart sank and a tear came to my eye. Once it sinks in, about what you just saw, you will be in tears also…

Please do not watch if you are sensitive. But if you do, you will watch it again and most likely again after you realize what just happened. Then you will be trying to understand what just happened and then you will be upset with what happened…

90% of Russian ways in life I would never want to change, but this is one of those 10% items that I really think needs to be addressed. Because this is an accident of a society that needs some changes in certain places and car drivers is one of those places…

The video is from a city bus…

I think that this is my last post for today! See you tomorrow…

Kyle Keeton

Windows to Russia!