Russia Warships Going to Syrian Territorial Waters to Protect Syria…

Russian warships are due to arrive at Syrian territorial waters, a Syrian news agency said on Thursday, indicating that the move represented a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country’s civil unrest…


Time to take a stand as I understand possibly 10 Warships have been sent to Syria. These warships are nothing to mess with…

I hear Rumors that China will send warships if needed?

I was wondering when we would see a line begin to be drawn in the sand…

Now we just need to watch and see who blinks first…

Russia is correct by what she is doing. It is time that the West had someone stand up to her that has a little more firepower than the average country. The West is right now instigating the scum in Syria to revolt and it has already been proven that Britain is in Syria talking to the opposition and egging them on…

Britain in Secrete Talks with Syrian Rebels…

Windows to Russia!

PS: I have to say with all honesty that the Western Empire is a pathetic pile of horse manure. The Western war drums are being beat 24 hours a day now and from what I see, the arm chair warmongers are so excited that they are wetting their pants with joy, as we stumble into a significantly counterproductive situation straight into World War III…