Looking out from a Russian Window: Are we worth Saving?

I wrote a humdinger of an article. I put my heart and soul into it!I looked up a hundred bits of information and I put my feelings down on paper. I had a goal and was going to tell you what is wrong with the world over that cup of coffee… (As you see I am still in that mood!)

In fact here is the first paragraph: The start of the day is always good especially when you can get your cup of coffee without any issues. It is necessary to have a good cup of coffee (or in my case chicory) to counter the lacking of keenness that comes across in the news. Now that is news both from the East and the West! The East has its stupid streak for news and it makes me laugh to read the propaganda against the West and that is what is is and not expected to be anything more. The East takes the truth and twists it to look like the new flavor of the month. Now the Western news is not even an attempt at propaganda anymore, it is just flagrant lies that do not have a inkling of the truth embedded anywhere anymore. What gets me is that people eat the lies up and want the information presented into what they want to hear. They do not want to hear the truth because as always the truth hurts, but a lie is cushioning, like a nice soft sofa

This article had Pakistan, McCarthyism, propaganda, East, West, Libya, Syria, lies, hate, confusion, stupidity, morals, Soviet Union, USA, Cuba, the 50’s, the 60’s, the 70’s, politics, war, Western press. Eastern press, Europe, guns, drugs and the kitchen sink to boot…

I went all out and then after reading it again and almost push the post button. I looked around me and said to myself, “Self, No one (in America or the West) gives a crap about what you just said, but it did feel good to get it off my chest!” So I trashed canned the article. For it was written to try to get even one person to open their eyes…

Are you interested in why I trashed it? Glad you asked…

Because I think that most of you out there are just simply plain happy living in ignorance and you do not want to hear or think about the truth. I think that you do not care what your government is doing and how many people it is killing. I think that you all think that as long as the deaths are in another country that you can not even find on a map, then all is fine and hunky dory…

I also came to a conclusion: After watching the scores of videos about this past last Black Friday, after Thanksgiving and seeing the hate, greed, confusion and violence. I realized that the people of America have what they want. A government that is doing what they do, think, act and feel. The government in America is a carbon copy of her people. The American government is just an extension of the people and it mimic’s the people closely…

It dawned on my that I am (and about 20%, give or take of the US population) a dying breed of person in America. People like me are labeled now! We are radical, militants, crazy, weird and unpatriotic. That is far from the truth but it is how we are labeled to keep us ostracized against the main population. Oh people want to say, “You know he could be right!” but they are all scared anymore. I know I was in America…

Then I wondered over my second cup of coffee: Are we worth saving or are we too far gone? Are we just too reliant on government? Are we too scared? Are we too weak? Are we too brainwashed?

Sometimes being out of the hornets nest, I think we are too far gone and until I see it different, then I will believe that we (U.S.) as a country have lost true patriotism, freedom, liberty and life to the terrorists of the world…

I look at America and sadly realize that Terrorists have won and they never really fired a shot at us…

But it seems to be what we want, because we do nothing about it. Voting in a career politician just will not do the job because with the exception of just a few like e.g.: Ron Paul. You are just replacing one rotten apple with another rotten apple… (Oops there is that crazy Ron Paul issue! You all know he is a little bit weird! The MSM says so…)

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: Maybe I am wrong and one day before it is too late, we will wake up and put a stop to the lies and crap that are being fed to us 24 hours a day. Until we start thinking for ourselves and get off the government baby bottle. Until the federal government gets out of the business of running our everyday lives. That is just not going to happen…

PSS: Well I guess I still wrote a, “I hope one person will listen article! :)” Now don’t get me wrong I see Russia following down this same path and I see lots of the world following this path. I just care and get upset about America, as that is my country and my original home…