The Russian Chicken is Getting to be a World Chicken…

Russia can export up to 250,000 tons of poultry meat on foreign markets in 2012 and Russia is planning to bring this figure to 400,000 tonnes by 2015. All the while keeping the domestic market saturated at the same time with home grown chicken…

This is a bold statement from a country just a few years ago that had to import chicken by the tons to met demand. But as I have said in several articles. Sveta and I have seen huge chicken farms springing up all over the place as we travel Russia to our village…

As with the influx of money into the grain business in Russia, so has money been imputed in vast amounts in the poultry industry. It has paid off and it looks like Russia has become self sufficient in Poultry now. That is going to make America cry because the American poultry industry has dumped poor quality chicken on Russia for many years…

I find at the stores in Moscow, that you do not see the famous fat huge American chickens hardly anymore. The Russian chicken tastes better and cooks up so much leaner. That makes a difference…

Try these past articles:

So Russia has gone from one of the largest poultry importers in the world to a poultry exporter. That is what I like about Russia…

As you can see this is a subject that I follow on Windows to Russia. So it should be no surprise when I say: “Russia does not need that disgusting, fat, bad for you and antibiotic fed chicken from America…”

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: I know chicken is dropping in price now. I just paid 75 rubles total price for a whole bird and it weighed over 1.25 kilos. That is lots of good eating…