Cup of Coffee and Flush the туалет (Toilet)…

toiletI grabbed a cup of coffee and did some thinking’s! After what I have been seeing posted all over by the Western press this weekend, it is time to flush the туалет because the stink is getting way too strong. Every time I think that I have seen the epitome of the ways of the Western world. I am left open mouthed again at the atrocity that is shown by the West…

Update from Russian press: “Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has referred to the West’s assessment of the voting on the UN Security Council Syria resolution as unseemly and hysterical.” This is from a man who was there and in on the whole UN charade…

I find it interesting how slow the Eastern press is to respond to issues and how fast the West responds to issues. But since I worked the corporate world in America, I know how they prepare and now that I live in the East, I know how they don’t prepare. It is just simple facts, the Western press has pre-written stories that just need a little fine tuning and off to print they go. The West knows that news is happening in the world and they are ready to print the second it (whatever) is final or in many cases before it is final. The East just waits until the news happens and then they worry about printing it. Totally different mindset…

But lets get on track of what my thinking’s are. I watched a Western press elate the deaths in Syria in a purposeful display of manipulation to affect the outcome of the UN voting. At one point the West was screaming that Syria had just killed 500 people on the day of the vote at the UN. Then it settled at 200 people and then, it became a number of much less proportions after the voting was over. Last I saw the West was spouting 48 had been killed. This was the same incident that earlier had been exponentiation to 500 murdered by evil Syrian regime…

Then after the vote was done! OMG the onslaught of lies overwhelmed the airwaves and are still being spouted at a furious pace that looks to have no let up in the accumulation of data. The Western shrills that are stationed in Moscow are working overtime and the Western press in the West is no hold barred, degrading Russia and China for their decision in veto of a situation that would have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrians…

I watched a Western world wet their pants in hatred and despair, when they did not get their way in the UN vote. The calls for removing Russia and China from the UN, because they are in the way of the Western Empires advances is growing stronger. The calls for war against China and Russia just stepped up a notch to the level of mildly frenzied. The word nuke them all, is so common place on American forums and blogs that it is scary. The war drums are so loud and furious that nothing else can be heard. America is wanting war in Syria, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela and several others. Many of the comments that I am seeing are just plain appalling…

It is also interesting to see that China and Russia are just now starting to get the media in gear to explain their position. The one thing that I have to say is that Russia and China see eye to eye on this issue of Syria. I also see that they see the same on Iran. It looks like the line is being drawn in the sand and we will have to wait to find out who will finish the world destruction that the West has started to try to do. It is starting to look like Russia and China are going to have to step in and try to chastise the children of the West…

Ok I know that not everyone in the West is crying out for death from the skies, but I have to say that a lot more people in the West are becoming war mongers everyday. I look at the social networks like Facebook and see swaths of comments that are centered around destroy Iran, Save Syria from the evil, Nuke North Korea and Spread Democracy by any means. Most of what is repeated by people is what we hear on the MSM everyday, day in and day out. I look at friends on Facebook and see what they post, sometimes it is scary as you read, “America is so great and we need to shove that greatness down Iran’s throat! or  Go USA and take Syria out, who cares about the UN!” These are people who could not even find Iran or Syria on the map, but they want to destroy them…

I also watched the twisted words from Iran in the media this weekend. Once again we twist what Iran is saying and give it a false meaning of death to Israel.  Of course Iran has the rights to verbalize words back because Israel and America have been threatening total annihilation of Iran and the words used were much harsher than anything Iran uses. But we do not talk about the threats from the West just about the threats from the East and foes…

I always thought that journalism was to be balanced and fair reporting. I thought that giving both sides was mandatory! That is why I post in my “Russian News from Russia” blog and “Fresh Coffee with a Cup of News” blog – both sides. Now Windows to Russia is my personal blog and that is what I want to post. It is my opinion or opinions that I respect. I do not claim to be a journalist, I am just a very high powered blogger who sits in Russia, who many times writes about the falsities of the Western press, plus life in Russia mixed in amongst the opinions…

That is part of the problem that the US governments has with me. I am not on their payroll and I write what I want. In fact I am on no one’s payroll (Russia definitely does not pay me! Though I wish someone would!) and I lose money on Windows to Russia every month, but even if I was on someones payroll, I would still write what I feel is correct and never – would money have something to do with my opinion. I guess I will stay a poor blogger writer…

So today I am flushing the toilet of the Western press. It just stunk too bad and needed a good flush and clean. Took a whole bottle of Ajax to scrub it away but finally the stink is gone and I am going to keep it away…

I do not see a benefit in the other side, when they do not have any rules that they have to follow. When we can fake videos, use photos from different situations, when we change the words people use, when we manipulate by lies and when we tell only what the government says we can! Then that is no longer news but censored data that has no emotions behind it any more. Pre ordained massages that are templated by the higher ups and used to convey data to the masses in the most efficient and speediest way possible…

Flush! Oh the smell is better already and that cup of coffee is oh so good…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: You want a better truth to your news? Then start looking at Iran, Russian, Chinese, South American, Indian and other news sources not associated with the Western press. Just be very careful and check out who owns the news sources. Ex. Al Jazeera is a perfect situation of a bought out by the West news source…