Script Attack again by the Department of Homeland Security of the USA…

Department of Homeland Security just rocked our boat on Windows to Russia. They tried to brute force the login.php and they Dos attacked us into sever lock up. But we had a little surprise for them and it worked…

We were down 10 minutes instead of 10 hours…

Here is the information from one source of many. It looks like the DHS has a history of attacking sites it does not like…

Offensive IP Database
IP Reputation Card
IP number
DNS history timeline Display
Offensive IP count in this block 3
Country US, United States
Total Offensive Actions 11
Offensive Actions in last 90 days 11
Offensive Actions against 1 Unique OAL(s)
First Offensive Action date 2011-11-22 16:33:49 UTC
Last Offensive Action date 2011-12-15 14:33:21 UTC
Current time for your reference 2012-02-06 17:34:49 UTC
Services / Options Comments | Alert | Blacklists

Offensive IP Database
Sample Actions from
Date (UTC) Category Offensive Action
2011-12-15 14:33:21 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/2011/07/08/candice-engle/’+pb_to_image+’play.png
2011-11-22 16:42:18 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/faqs/’+pb_to_image+’console.png
2011-11-22 16:42:16 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/faqs/’+pb_to_image+’play.png
2011-11-22 16:34:07 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/pricing/’+pb_to_image+’console.png
2011-11-22 16:34:07 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/pricing/’+pb_to_image+’play.png
2011-11-22 16:34:00 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/about-us/’+pb_to_image+’bgoverlay.png
2011-11-22 16:34:00 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/about-us/’+pb_to_image+’play.png
2011-11-22 16:34:00 Script Attack GET /myblog/index.php/about-us/’+pb_to_image+’console.png
2011-11-22 16:33:49 Script Attack GET /’+pb_to_image+’play.png
2011-11-22 16:33:49 Script Attack GET /’+pb_to_image+’bgoverlay.png
2011-11-22 16:33:49 Script Attack GET /’+pb_to_image+’console.png

It is a fact and I am sick and tired of the kids (DHS) playing with computers to abuse websites. I hear all the time how American government complains about their sites being attacked and such. So it seems that they have no reason to complain because the Department of Homeland Security is attacking Windows to Russia in a several mode style attack…

Quit it DHS, because I am not going to stop telling the TRUTH and that is the real issue isn’t it? The TRUTH…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: For those who forgot this is common place for us at Windows to Russia see links below: