In Russia: Two + Cups of Coffee (Chicory) and some Thinking’s…

Update: We went through another rough night! It was not good enough to attack just us. The whole hosting company was under attack. This lasted about 12 hours and was not fun. I saved most data but it looks like I will be only part operating for a day or so. But we are still here against the wishes of a government entity…

The site has been up and the site has been down. It seems to have been down. more than up that last 24 hours. First we were slammed by a DDoS attack that took us down for several hours then the results from that attack corrupted our database (Thanks to my government in the USA!). So as I was trying to correct that issue our host decided that 2am Russian time was a good time to work on their servers. They explained as we lost out site again for the third time yesterday, that they were rearranging the clusters of servers and all will be so much better after they are done…

Well – done for them was about 12 hours later and then I still had to spend 4 to 5 hours dealing with a database that I could not get too, to fix because they decide to mess up the servers. So I was really pissed off and upset and drank way too much chicory… 🙂 (Good thing there is no caffeine in chicory!)

I still lost some data and Sveta knows how to put it back into the system and I will wait for her to do it. I have messed enough with stuff and I do not want to mess in the MySQL as I am very tired and might do something stupid… 🙂

So that is it today, not that I do not have lots to say, it is just that I want some peace and quiet before I post an article that will get the government riled up and they try to crash me again…

One day everyone will not be afraid to speak out and tell the government what you think? When that day comes the government will be the ones afraid, not you. Then people like me will not be as easy to take offline because there will be too many people to stifle…

Wake up people!

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!