Russia Toning Down the Police Weapons…

The Russian Interior Ministry is planning to spend 45 million rubles ($1.6 mln) on the purchase of 3,800 non-lethal pistols for police officers, which means that precinct inspectors, traffic and transport policemen on duty will be armed with PB-4SP Osa handguns instead of conventional 9-mm Makarov pistols…

Other words trade a 9-mm, gun-powdered propelled chunk of lead at 519 joules for an 18-mm rubber bullet with metal reinforced core that is equipped with a laser pointer. Its muzzle energy is limited by law to 91 joules. Big difference and this is a Russian answer to life in Russia…

This should make you think about what your police are carrying at your spot in the world…

Sometimes I just go – Hmm…

While the swat teams rule back at my home country, the Russians are going to use rubber bullets instead of real bullets…

Man, that coffee is really good right now…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!