Putin Starts it off with the Bottom Line Visible…


Found this cartoon as they call it in ChinaDaily.com! It hits the point just right and the state of affairs right now is sliding quickly to the bottom. I find it interesting…

Oh by the way! Medvedev is going to the G8 summit and he has plans on meeting Obama and it is a short meeting. From what I understand, Medvedev is going to pass a few words from Putin along and from what I understand these words have much to do with the way Obama respected Putin, when Obama came to Russia. We all know that Obama acted like a ass in Russia and that was a major turning point in relations…

I always think of this quote: “If an ass goes traveling he will not come home a horse.” by Thomas Fuller…

The G8 meeting is worthless and Putin knows it. Obama is only worried about reelection so he will miss the important APEC meeting for no reason other than spit back at Putin. Putin will be at the G20 meeting which is the meeting that counts, compared to the G8. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a summit that America can not afford to snub and by doing so they will slide down the power pole a little farther. Asia is the future!

We have a saying in America that Obama has seemed to never have learned…

What Goes Around Comes Around…” The “reset” dies a little more in a spiraling death…

The fear of the West is back: Putin does not respect, nor is scared of the Western Empire…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!