Russia Bitch Slaps the U.S. ambassador to Russia…

Looks like U.S. envoy Michael McFaul has fulfilled my expectations of him and unless he wakes up and starts following the handbook called “Russian For Dummies!” He is going to feel the door in Russia slam him in the butt as he leaves Russia, as he is kicked through that door back home to America…

Now Like I have said in the past, I really think that he would prefer to go back to America and I know that he did not take this assignment willingly as U.S. envoy to Russia. In fact he shows Russians everyday that he hates being in Russia…

It is like a continual stream of little tidbits of news that implicate McFaul in prospects of many numerous things and issues that someone of his position should not be doing in a foreign country…

I can honestly tell you that if the Russian Envoy to America did what McFaul has been doing, then he would have been expelled already from America. McFaul really opens his mouth and puts his foot in it at the worst times. Then he ignores proper procedures the rest of the time…

Well hang on to your hat because the Russian people are starting to get a real dislike for the guy and to me that just seems detrimental to the relationship, between Russia and America…

Local News about McFaul:

The U.S. ambassador to Russia should remain diplomatic in his public comments and not jeopardize his country’s ties with Russia, a Russian presidential aide said on Tuesday.

“The leaders of both countries are set for constructive dialogue,” Yury Ushakov said.

“Ambassadors should act in the same spirit and not be at odds with their leadership,” he said.

Amen to that! Are you listening McFaul?

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia

PS: These are the warning shots over the bow for McFaul…