Cup of Coffee, Moscow is Cold and Sveta’s Question…

Last night got to +2 degrees Celsius (Give or take about 35 to 36 F.). Yes that is correct almost freezing and cold enough that I had to get the space heater out to warm the bedroom. You see we do not have heat that we can just turn on and off as we need it and this last week we have needed heat going in the building… 🙂  (I keep our refrigerator at +3 C.)

That is so cool and was one of the best things about my night. I had one of those bad nights last night. Every since the six heart attacks years ago, I have interesting nights once and awhile. Nights that include taking nitro and sleep evades for sometimes a full day. So I had plenty of opportunity to think about the weather and think about many other things. The main thing that was on my thinking’s list last night was a question that Sveta asked me…

Sveta asked me, “Are you still happy to be in Russia?”

I responded with no hesitation and my response was from my heart, “Yes and I would not want to be anywhere else…”

Then last night I thought about why it is that I am happy in Russia and not happy back in my home country, America?

It dawned on my that I have nothing in common with most Americans. I do not feel the same love for a nanny state that a lot of Americans do. I spent years coming to grips with the fact that my ideologies are different from what most Americans think and act. Even when we agree on one thing, I find that most Americans whole mindset and thought processes are centered on big controlling government…

I can not accept that and as I look at the government in Russia, then that is what I wish the American government would become at the very least. One of the biggest things that the Russian government does that is unheard of in America is try to spend only the money you have and no more. Funny concept for America, could you imagine an America that only spends what it takes in in taxes? I can, because I see it is Russia…

So last night it came to me that from governments to just the people of the countries, I have much more in common with Russia. Be it the view point and criteria of gay rights, military spending, border patrol, local laws, governmental controls and or anything at all in comparing the two countries. I find that my tastes, abilities, thoughts, morals and financial aspects fall closer in line with Russia, also to expand that I should add the Eastern side of the world…

But this just does not have to do with just Russia! I have come to the conclusion that if I lived in China, Brazil, India and or many other countries, I would find that I would be comfortable as long as the government stays out of my way and the peoples way…

I do know that Canada, Britain, France and or Western based countries are not the cat’s meow when it comes to my thinking’s…

A good thought about the subject is: Sveta came home and said, “I just watched two young police men try to talk with a woman who was yelling at them out her window. She was being told to be quiet! The police had been called by the neighbors complaining!” Sveta said after a bunch of minutes of verbal exchange (by window), “The police decided that the woman was a mental (possibly drunk also) and told her that and left!” Sveta said, “That is just right, the less police involved the better!”

I found that interesting as I can remember a dozen times bailing out friends from jail for having someone call on them that they were too noisy and drunk. They never did anything wrong except back talked the police. That got them a night in jail. Sometimes this was friends who owned single family dwellings and sometimes apartment dwellings. Fact is that in Russia the odds are that all they are going to do is tell you to shut up and tell you that you are stupid or something and leave. That is if they even show up in the first place to tell you to shut up… (As Sveta says, “That is just right!”)

A group of thinking’s that I have on things in Russia: I never say that Russia is perfect and by far it is imperfect. But that is why I love Russia. They do not claim to be perfect, they just claim to be better than you are. That is not perfect by any means and they know this, but their faults and failings are at least known and expressed as faults and failings. They bribe and they admit it! They are corrupt and they admit it! They are poor and they admit it! They are not politically correct and they admit it! They do not trust their government and they admit it! They like furs and caviar and they admit it…

That is why I love Russia…

What more needs to be said?

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…