Heads up about the Financial Future…

Being rich has its points and once I was very wealthy! Or at least wealthy according to the times and era. It is hard for me to understand how in a few short years that the world went from a millionaire being rich, to a millionaire being upper middle class. Having millions in dollars is nothing anymore in America or the world and that my friend should tell you something…

If I had to do everything all over again, I would do somethings very different and one of those things is to send my money out of America, when I had lots of money. If I had done that simple thing, 15 years ago. I would be very very wealthy now and I mean wealthy in real money, not monopoly money…

I was very stupid and instead of doing something as ignorant as buying a Cadillac STS, paid for cash on the barrel head. I would drive an old Chevy and send the rest of the money to China or Russia…

But you know the old saying, “Hindsight is better than foresight!”

I really thought that putting all my money into real estate, material items and government bonds was they way you supported the country you live in, the country that you were born in. Little did I know that putting your money into America will guarantee that the government gets their, more than fair share, down the road…

I will just say that until you try to move money from America and try to protect yourself, you will not really understand what the government will do, as you try to save your very hard earned dollars. The money is not yours and never will be yours. So unless you have very good contacts and know the right people. Be ready to loose most of that hard earned money if you try to remove what you thought was your personal possessions and finances. The process is getting harder by the month and actually it is easier now just to start over, outside of America than trying to keep what you have worked for…

So what brought on this expression of finances and America?

I received an e-mail from a good friend in China and he said check these links out and he said that, “I will tell you know that this is true and the Western media is mortified that this will get out into the mainstream public.” I realized that he meant by Main Stream Media that the Western governments would have a heart attack if this got out…

China is recasting gold bars that they have into metric bars and not allowing the imperial measurement type bars to be kept. In fact the brunt of the bars are going to be 1 kilo bars and that is exactly what you will find in Russia. Gold bars in 1 kilo weight…

The fact is that China and Russia are buying gold as fast as they can and in Russia’s case they are mining it as fast as they can. All this gold is being recast into 1 kilo bars and that is that…

I will not go into what the repercussion of this massive undertaking means to the Western Finances will be, but it is a huge bitch slap in the face of the Western Empire and both Russia and China are doing it…

Plus a dozen other countries that are trying to get ready for the storm of a life time as the Western Empire crashes to the ground. The Western debt has only two ends at this point, more debt and collapse… (Pay it off! You are kidding – Right?)

Added tidbit of information from my friend in China!

He told me that gold is used freely as a currency in China and he, like many many others have now obtained many kilos of gold to stash away for a rainy day. The Chinese government promotes the buying of gold and silver and using gold or silver as a currency. In fact he said clearly to me that he is paid in gold as a reimbursement for his services at his job…

There is what is called Gresham’s Law, “When a government compulsorily overvalues one type of money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation.” or simply “Bad money drives out good if their exchange rate is set by law.”

Seems that China is dealing with the world with monopoly money from America and then with her own people she deals with real money. Smart and insurance against collapsing dollar on the home front…

Think China knows something about what we ignore?

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…