NGO’s and the Super Whine…

Non-Government Organizations or as we like to say NGO are having a huge hussy fit in Russia and they demand that they do not have to reveal and give transparency to themselves. For if they do have to! Then the game is over and they will all be called on the carpet…

It seems that Putin is reserving some amendments for the law that he himself feels are necessary. But I have to say, that the Non-Government Organizations in Russia are really really having a fit. I guess that this is a long time in coming law that has been needed. Russia has allowed these NGO to run a muck and cause lots of issues. This is how America has been funneling money into Russia illegally and getting away with it. Believe you me America has laws much worse than this pertaining to Non-Government Organizations in America. Transparency is first and foremost in America with a NGO…

I am very suspicious or anyone having a problem with transparency about how foreign money is being used inside of Russia or any nation for that matter. The NGO in Russia have proven that they can not be trusted and so Russia is forced to make rules and laws that they have to follow. I realize that not all NGO are an issue and many are very good to have, but when just one tries to circumvent the system and cause political issues in a country then they all have to be scrutinized…

During this last Russian Presidential election, many NGO stuck their noses and monies into some really bad places and they got caught! These laws allow Russia to weed out the trash…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…