China Still Buys Gold and Buying Lots of Gold: Over a Cup of Coffee…

While we all know that China is buying gold at a furious pace and has been buying gold as fast as it can. There is new rumors out from the Chinese themselves, that China will be buying up to at least 5000 to 6000 tons of gold and they will be starting to buy during this year…

It is also probable that if China buys this much gold, that this will exceed production of gold in the whole world. Other words we do not have enough gold for China to buy that much and it will take China time to purchase this amount of gold…

By the way! It makes perfect sense, China knows it has to do something with all those dollars that it has. Those American dollars that are soon to become worthless paper. Well for right now that paper can buy gold and more gold…

I have been watching China buying up hard assets all over the world. They have been happily dropping billions of US dollars and acquiring land, companies, gold, silver and you name it. As long as it is a physical substance they are buying it. They also are buying in multiples of countries all over the world…

So we have a China who allows her people to be paid and use gold as currency. We also have a China that wants to buy as much gold as it can get. Seems China is working very long term here and we better wake up…

It is strange to me that the West just ignores the buying of gold by China, the west also ignores that Russia is buying gold at a fast pace also. I have written several articles to this effect and no one takes this seriously and smart ass remarks is the answer from the West…

Here is some news for you to take to the bank…

The world is working very hard to buffer itself from a Western collapse in the financial system. The world learned what would happen when everything almost fell completely apart years ago and that fact has driven China, Russia and many others to start isolating themselves from having that ever happen again as bad as it did this last time…

The signs all all there and no one wants to admit it yet, but everyday, many countries are changing the way they do business. They are creating new ways to transact and they are shifting money that is used for transactions with other countries…

The cold hard fact is that even the so called allies of the USA are starting to look at creative financing, to deal with the stupid sanctions that America slaps of half the world. One day those sanctions are going to bite back and that day is coming soon…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…