Cup of Coffee and Watching the World Riot…

I am glad I am in Russia! The worst they seem to be able to conjure up is a proclaimed millions man march and 5000 to 6000 show up! Like I also said before, “You can get 5000 people to stare at the sky with you in Moscow, if you stop and pretend to look at something in the air. With 15,000,000 people at any given second running around, it is not hard to draw a crowd…”

Now as I sit here and sip my wonderful morning cup of coffee, I am in the realization that our trip to Tunisia is going to be interesting and I am looking forward to it. If the blog goes dead and no one writes, then you know I did not come back in one piece… 🙂

The only thing going on in Russia that needs to be stopped is the desecration of churches all over Russia. I see that Ukraine is having issues with the same thing and Georgia now has beautiful old churches being desecrated…

My opinion is that no matter what the religion and what your beliefs are. Burning bibles, cutting down crosses, painting on church walls and what ever else anyone is doing, is just plain immoral and disgusting. Humans have got to be the worst of gods creations and we never learn from or past, we just repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat. Technology seems to be advancing, but morality, common sense and compassion goes in cycles and we are hitting a low cycle, as low as any that the world has been in in history…

So I sit and enjoy coffee and watch the world blame each other, point fingers and riot. The truth comes out in little pieces and it is up to the person to assemble those pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. A very hard puzzle…

I have a couple of things to say and then I am going to go think of something else…

I have a belief that we should all be free, but that freedom is sometimes something that we need to weigh and measure. If my declaration/proclamation of freedom hurts, imposes, desecrates, murders, maims, steps on and or inconveniences anyone in anyway! Then I have put myself and my freedoms above that person and I have removed their freedoms…

I also think that the smaller the freedom the more important that freedom is! Anything from salt restriction, drink restriction, helmet laws, seat belts and many many other tiny little freedom issues, these are the most important ones. These are the destruction of the freedoms that lead to the restrictions, on the big freedom items in the constitution…

So now I am having my freedoms restricted, because of people in this world that want to cause issues and they manifest a situation (movie) that has been blown out of proportions in the Middle East. It is not just this movie that is the issue, it is the fact that pent up anger at the way the Middle East people are treated and lied to that is the issue…

Now my freedoms are being stepped on by my government and people who use the freedoms of expression, that are used as tools of degradation against the masses! The masses all over the world…

You are not free if your freedoms hurt other peoples freedoms…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…